The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

wow, big news for whoever the other democrat in west virginia is



But they donā€™t require them to support the current nomineeā€¦

Fun fact: In West Virginia, registered democrats outnumber registered republicans.

Same was true in FL too I think until like this year

maryland has a R gov but thatā€™s in the az/mt/wv list

itā€™s worse than this tho, CT is a god damn paragraph that is not fun to read wtf

So 16/50 Dems in the Senate are in a situation where death/scandal could torpedo the nominee. The blue state Republican governors donā€™t have do appoint a Republican, they just have to leave the seat open until November and appoint the winner and say, ā€œThere will still be time to vote before January.ā€

Three more seats would be subject to shenanigans if there was death/scandal, such as having someone switch parties or finding a pro life Dem who wonā€™t confirm a pro choice justice.

So 19/50 or 38% of our Senate caucus is at risk. But at least none of the ones are like really old or anything. Oh, whatā€™s that? Seven are between 70 and 80 this year and two are over 80? And itā€™s still a global fucking pandemic?

Well at least itā€™s not like Democrats have recently lost a Supreme Court seat because of someone dragging their feet and dying at an inopportune time. Oh, thatā€™s rightā€¦

And itā€™s not like they have a couple of senators who like to gum up the works for attention and corporate donations, who might be inclined to try to drag this thing out and slow it down or scuttle the first nominee and force them into round two.

Thatā€™s totally not a thing we should worry about and operate in due haste!

True, but Biden didnā€™t lose Florida by 40 points.

Who the fuck writes these laws? Connecticut has a special electionā€¦

160th day after vacancy occurs (excluding weekends), unless vacancy occurs between the 125th and 63rd days preceding a regularly scheduled November general election, in which case vacancy is filled at that election. Governor may make a temporary appointment only in cases where a vacancy occurs after the municipal election in the year preceding the last year of the term or in the last year of the term of a senator. Approval of such nomination requires an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership of each chamber of the General Assembly.

So the election is November 8. If the vacancy happens between July 6 and September 6, the seat is empty and the special election is November 8. (unless weā€™re excluding weekends on this count of days, but it doesnā€™t say that on this one, but at least itā€™s not like the other side would block and send it to SCOTUS to determine or anything. Speaking of which, do holidays count? I wonder what Kavanaugh thinks?)

Otherwise the election is the 160th day after the vacancy occurs, so if it happened now, youā€™d be looking at a special election in like June, and that date keeps moving forward.

OK, now as to whether the governor can make an appointment in the interim. You know what? Let me just skip the complicated municipal election shit and see if the Dems have two thirds of each chamber of the General Assemblyā€¦ They have exactly 2/3 of the Senate, and 64% of the House, thanks for playing, no interim replacement.

Now for the really fun part. If thereā€™s a vacancy, the Senate becomes 50-49 GOP and Mitch becomes Senate Majority Leader.

Until it gets back to 50-50, that nominee is going nowhere. The hearings will have to start from scratch.

Oh well, people in their 70s and 80s never die anyway, should be fine.

well they also have 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s but mitch ainā€™t giving up that gavel regardless

ā€œwe should let them be replaced firstā€ or whatever nonsense heā€™d say

Alright, Letā€™s DO THIS!

itā€™s 11-11 in the judiciary committee and also need 2 minority members to do anything so doesnā€™t matter lol

only need 2 of Grassley, Graham, Cornyn, Lee, Cruz, Sasse, Hawley, Cotton, Kennedy, Tillis, Blackburn

ā€¦ Blackburn seriously

They might be able to change the CT law via majority rule if it came to it. We have done it in MA several times. Iā€™m pretty sure we already changed the law when Warren ran so it isnā€™t a governor appointee anymore.

There is no actual requirement that candidates pass committee. Of course thereā€™s no actual requirement for a filibuster either.

I mean I donā€™t see the Republicans slowing things down at all, let alone blocking it entirely. Iā€™m with DiFi and iron81. No sense of urgency needed.


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Without researching, my guess is that some of the laws you hate were Progressive Era reforms intended to fight corrupt government.


ā€œWe think that the fact that the Senate is tied 50-50 means the American people wanted to provide a check on Joe Biden and make sure the Democrats didnā€™t take us in an extreme left-wing direction. As such, it is prudent to wait and see how the November elections go and see who the American people wish to give a majority to in order to confirm or not confirm a justice for President Biden. We will not be providing two members for the Judiciary Committee to hold a vote.ā€

(Not an actual quote, me predicting what type of shit heā€™ll say.)


Maybe we ask Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema what they think about thatā€¦

Iā€™m not talking about the difficulty in appointing an interim, per se. Iā€™m talking about 63 to 125 days before this, etc etc after that. I just mean itā€™s absurdly convoluted and written in extremely confusing language.