The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

The biggest winner is ACB since she won’t have to do cafeteria duty anymore.

That’s not quite how that works, actually.

It’s Leondra, I believe, and she’s considered an incrementalist and swing vote, so she sounds more likely already.

Will you give me 2-1 odds that we have 9 justices in February 2023?

I remember hearing that affirmative action actually helps Asian Americans - can someone explain that to me?

No, because it isn’t true. If you did blind admissions just based on test scores and transcripts Harvard and MIT would be like 3/4 Asian kids.

I don’t know what the context was when you heard this claim, but I suppose it could be true for certain definitions of “affirmative action” and the way a system was implemented. I’m just spitballing and not looking at data atm, but, I could see how Asian-American students might benefit from an admissions system that gave extra weight to candidates who did not speak English as a primary language at home, or where “minority” status was given to anyone of a non-Caucasian background or who attendended a school that was considered a majority-minority district.


Justices almost never announce retirement before April. Something snapped with Bryer. He was getting plenty of pressure though, as RBGs self-regard put the court back a generation.


PI scotus market up

wonder how far these idiots are gonna pump Kamala Harris

thought it’d be funny to do that to get her out of there

There are like 15 people in the market and they’re all black women, you love to see it. The conservatives are going to go on tilt every time they see that page.

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Putting a former cop/prosecutor on the SC is def a shitlib move.

Although she might be more left than most nominee’s and she at least realizes the court is political as fuck. That’s probably the biggest weakness of the dem justices. Not a single one calls the right out for being political hacks in their writing.

Then again when Kamala does it nobody would take her serious anyways.


Yeah, “Leonore” was an iPhone autocorrect. It’s Leonore. Leonard! Leondra. Holy shit autocorrect is fucking annoying.



You don’t have to laugh at obviously correct things just because DiFi said them.

solid ratio

Leave the seat open to honor RBG imo.



Schumer initially said march

difi might not know what year it is, I ain’t taking her quote as anything anyone else would listen to. I mean it’s not like she’s literally on the judiciary oh fuck well she’s not chair at least