The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

This is 100% what is going to happen.

Biden should nominate Susan Collins


Chef’s kiss if that happens

Cant believe this actually happened

If you’re getting run over you’re not playing GTO.

Do you mean dems are using Marquess of Queensbury rules and the reps are using No Holds Barred?

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He’s gonna nominate Hilldawg isn’t he


But then she’ll be even more qualified to be President when she runs again! She’ll be a shoo-in this time for sure.


Maybe he could nominate Sinema?

Nominate Feinstein

Good call, maybe Biden can get to name 2 Justices to the court before Midterms!


Can’t wait for Manchin/Sinema to block whoever’s nominated or demand that they nominate someone who republicans will vote for to make it bipartisan

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Biden should pull the classic “Donna’s parents cats”move.

Manchinema have both been pretty consistently voting to confirm basically all of Biden’s judicial nominees, right?

Yes when nobody is paying attention. This will be a chance for the two biggest attention whores in government to bask in the media glow. They will make it as difficult as possible milking every CNN interview to the max.

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Yeah they will be able to get a few votes to show everything is legit now or whatever. Collins, Murkowski etc. The vast majority won’t vote though because their primary opponents will use it to show they’re leftist communist shitheads.

Although if they’re super confident they got everything locked for over a decade in a 7-2 court is much better for your fascist pretend democracy. No risk people like John Roberts try to slow shit down when it starts getting real crazy.

is Scalia’s pillow kept somewhere safe by the Secret Service?

No worries guys. Law Twitter has spoken

When Biden nominates a black woman there’s a good chance that a) Tucker Carlson’s head explodes live on TV and b) the deplorables storm Congress again to violently block the appointment of the Dems CRT friendly / Urban SC justice.

Or Mitch just declares a new “norm” that you can’t replace a Supreme Court justice in a year where two Canadians make the quarter finals of the Australian Open and the Dems respond with Concerned Letters To Nobody.


In 1996, Jackson married Patrick G. Jackson, a surgeon and the twin brother of former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s brother-in-law.[75][76] They have two daughters.[75]

Interesting connection