The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

i believe they can start nominating process before official date also

If thatā€™s the case I feel much better about it. I just googled scotus terms and saw it was October-October.

Iā€™m on team ā€œBiden does not get a candidate nominated and confirmedā€, but itā€™s probably just an emotional hedge.

He promised to nominate a woman of color. Odds on favorite is Ketanji Brown.

also, didnā€™t she just get confirmed to DC circuit in the last year? so presumably all those senators that votes yes, arenā€™t going to turn on their heel. or biden is going to call them a stupid son of a bitch or somethingā€¦

Literally the only way this happens is if a D senator in an R-governed state dies in a way thatā€™s public enough to prevent him from being Weekend at Bernieā€™sā€™ed through the confirmation vote.

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I hope Manchin is okay with that.

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I donā€™t know man Iā€™m not putting it past Cinema to to the DMX suck it motion on the floor of the senate as she votes no.


He voted yes to confirm her to the Circuit Court, so Iā€™m going with yes, yes heā€™s ok with that. I mean this is a nothingburger anyway, the court is conservatively locked for a generation.

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She is 51 by the way, so a little long in the tooth for the Republican side, but I guess better then alternatives.

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Well letā€™s hope a literal crazy person doesnā€™t behave inconsistently.

FWIW, the importance is that Chuck Schumer is the majority leader so it comes up for a vote. If he nominates Jackson this isnā€™t going to be a 50-50 vote with Harris breaking the tie. Iā€™d bet we peel off Murkowski and Collins as well so they can brush up on their ā€œbipartisanā€ bona fides on a vote that is meaningless anyway. If, however, a D senator croaks, then yeah, its never coming up for a vote.

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I donā€™t know. Sometimes the winning move is not to play the game.


This might become one of the greatest fuckups in US history.

Agreed. As long as Biden doesnā€™t nominate someone seen as from the Bernie wing of the party, and as long as thereā€™s a vote, some republicans probably are on board.

This doesnā€™t change the partisan make up of the court in any way. While Iā€™m sure Mitch would love to have a 7-2 instead of 6-3 court, heā€™s got what he needs. Most of the republicans donā€™t give a fuck about gun laws or Roe V Wade anyways, theyā€™re just wedge issues. What they want the court for is a backstop to strike down any progressive legislation that might get through. Heā€™s got that for the foreseeable future.



oh i see, itā€™s a remake of this movie but they cast two women senators instead.


Thanks for changing the title. Sadly reading thread titles is the main way I get news.


Apparently California Supreme Court Justice Leonore Kruger is another favorite. Sheā€™s only 45, so I guess I hope itā€™s her. They really should just appoint like a 25 year old.