The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Beats the alternative, although probably moves the court to the right in the near-term. Pick the best 27 year old that Manchin will confirm would be optimal strategy.

I mean heā€™s right. These strategic retirements means that the justices on the Court are political actors or at least take the political situation into account and arenā€™t non political umpires calling balls and strikes, even if the retirement is to the advantage of Democrats.

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Oh noes, the legitimacy of the court.


The flaw in the argument is pretending that the SC (and the entire federal court system) has been anything but hyper-political for many years.

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I wonder if Breyer will write some kind of scathing essay when McConnell keeps the seat vacant until 2025 for Trump/DeSantis/Whoever to fill.

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I donā€™t think Bruneig is pretending. Heā€™s making fun of Democrats who say that, and are right, but wonā€™t say it when itā€™s to their advantage

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Itā€™s like playing GTO heads-up when theyā€™re playing exploitative, if you continue down that road without making adjustments youā€™ll get run over.

I think theyā€™ll end up doing this so there wonā€™t be a vacancy somehow

Ketanji Brown Jackson Iā€™d guess

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snap bet against this

maybe 50ā€™s but not 60ā€™s

itā€™s a campaign promise

Seems like a pretty good guess honestly.

Would throw a few bucks at it on PI if there was a market.

So, the story says heā€™s retiring at the end of this term. Which is in October. IMO a very likely scenario right now is that we lose the midterms, fail to appoint a replacement between October and January, and we have 8 justices until Trump/Desantis nominates a replacement in 2024.


I know what youā€™re trying to say but the better analogy is cooperating in a prisonerā€™s dilemma scenario over and over again versus a defector.

Thatā€™s not something to make fun of, itā€™s the appropriate theoretical strategy.

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Ok. The other guy has a gun in what agreed to be a knife fight. Do you continue with the knife or do you get a your own gun.

Btw, pleas of unfair and requests for reasonableness are laughed at and greeted with ā€¦. Gunfire.

In other words, that ship has already sailed. Playing by the old rules has you down 3-6 with the majority selected by bullshit presidents (only there because of vagaries of the EC, court rulings and Putin).

Who here has faith in Joe Biden to have 50 senators lined up and ready to confirm a new justice between October 2022 and January 2023?

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Mitch will use the replacement as evidence of a functioning process, the fuck does he care itā€™s already 6-3.


well Iā€™d assume before Nov 2022 but this is the democrats

I think they consider the term done when the last ruling is made which is usually June? There may be some activity July-September but iirc this is actually a common retirement timeline. (Juneish)

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