The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Surely the President has the ability to regulate his workers, no?


TBF, Pikes at my school drugged and raped a coed which prompted their alumni to mount an unsuccessful cover-up campaign.

Just because a Greek organization does something doesn’t make it acceptable or any less depraved/crazy.

fwiw, I read viridian’s post as indicating it’s more depraved/crazy

that said, I went to a school that had a seriously out of control greek system

Yeah, pikes were known as roid heads and rapists at UF when I was there, too.

I wasnt trying to justify the behavior, fwiw.

I’m good with permanently banning fraternities.


Next up after Roe, affirmative action

Going to go with the Supreme Court will rule that race cannot be taken into account when considering college admissions.

Supreme Court justices when getting nominated, “I respect precedent”. Supreme Court justices on the court


Well, it’s important to remember that they aren’t political. The law just always falls on the side of white grievance.

They can just re-use the voting rights “southern states aren’t racist anymore”.

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I don’t remember. From what I remember they left off with the ‘race can be in the calculus, but can’t be explicitly used’ with some conservative groups pushing it but they couldn’t get over the Breyer hump to fully abolish it.


Ah yes, Affirmative Action has no place in a meritocracy, but legacy admissions are A-OK!

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One got counted wrongly so it’s actually 14.

And are they all right wing nonsense?

A meritocracy where 57% of the population starts on third base and 12% have to play blindfolded with their hands tied behind their back.

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But the Court’s five Republican justices ignored both the clear language and purpose of the law, erecting numerous extratextual bars that make it all but impossible to win a case like this without showing discriminatory intent. As Justice Elena Kagan wrote in an unanswerable dissent, Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion for the Court was a “law-free zone,” basing its holding on “on a list of mostly made-up factors.” (Among them: The majority invented a rule that restrictions on the vote that existed when the Voting Rights Act was enacted should be presumptively constitutional, which, if true, would sort of obviate the purpose of a Voting Rights Act in the first place.)

Sound familiar? In essence, a six-justice conservative supermajority “interpreted” the Voting Rights Act as if Roberts had prevailed in 1982, when in fact Congress had repudiated his vision for what the law should look like. The same is true of the Court’s opinion in NFIB: None of the “rules” are found in the text of the statute. They’re simply meant to frustrate the will of Congress whenever Congress does something that leads to results the justices don’t like.

NFIB and Brnovich are especially ominous for American democracy because they leave Congress with no outs. Courts that willfully ignore the text and purpose of major statutes are an existential threat to democratic self-rule, because even if majorities can surmount the formidable obstacles to legislating, Republican-controlled courts can simply rewrite the law to suit their own preferences. In his concurrence in NFIB , Justice Gorsuch claimed to be standing up for “the people’s elected representatives in Congress.” In reality, the Court has found another way to consolidate power in itself.

Damn not an “unanswerable dissent”

Guess Lena Kags just had to do it too em

In b4 Biden nominates some 65-year-old center-right slapdick.


It’ll be a 59-year-old center-right slapdick.

Or Merrick Garland.


I actually agree with this.

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