The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I’m as lol Dems as anyone, but I’m not worried about an 11-11 committee killing a nomination. I’m more worried about Manchin demanding a centrist, but I think Biden will get his nominee. It is just unfortunately like a late touchdown to cut the lead to 28-10.

Think Mitch has enough savvy and feels good enough about 22-24 to let this one go more than people think. Doesn’t have a great path to stop it, still might move the court right, and will be good for anti court packing arguments. Will drag it out to eat Senate calendar but they’ll get a nominee through.

Wow this sure turned out well fucko

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I guess I hope they try to block a nominee. What the hell is the difference between a Kavanaugh swing vote and an ACB/Gorsuch swing vote. Might as well introduce a little variance into the situation that looks hopeless.

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Writing laws can be highly technical. That’s why we have things called parliamentarians.

I do agree with this but I’m not totally confident Mitch is an evil genius so much as a super LAGGY button masher up against nits. See: Georgia Senate race.

He lets Trump send those checks, they have the Senate now.

I’ve thought about that too but I think the equity in binking a death to get back to 5-4 and a Roberts swing vote is more valuable, especially in the context of a more successful insurrection on deck.

Even getting a conservative anti-Trumper on stabilizes our democracy a lot. Like if Thomas bit it and we got someone like Romney on who is a vote with the liberals on any Trump insurrection, not awful on race, and awful on economic stuff, that’s a huge step left for the court.

I’m good with Merrick Garland. Get that useless motherfucker out as AG, we’re gonna lose every case anyway

Contrarian Opinion: This is a fantastic chance for Sinema and Manchin to mend fences over an EASY optic. Black female judge that we already voted for at prior level? Um, sure. Easy game. This seems like a political layup. I’m sure I’m wrong, but I mean, there are black Republicans, and there was already a black president. I’m a drooler.

LOL, Oh yeah, Clarence Thomas too.

i’m sure i’m ponied, but jim justice is a former democrat

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Real suggestion or satire?


Bill Kristol is not that dumb. I mean he’s dumb, but not dumb enough to think that Democrats will put Republicans one heartbeat away from the Presidency

idk, I got real suggestion.

Not only that, but it wouldn’t even be effective in the made-up goal he’s shooting for.

“National unity” by picking Romney as VP? LOL how does that work?

Josh: The Democrats aren’t going to nominate another liberal, academic, former governor from New England. We’re dumb but we’re not that dumb.

Leo: Nah, I think we’re exactly that dumb.


sweet summer child and all, but Manchin doesn’t get in the way of democrat court nominees

Nobody has posted the SCOTUS VORP rankings yet?

Sotomayor is the only good justice.


Nope all black women are put into a big hat and we draw one at random


hey dipshit YOUR party got rid of that filibuster NO TAKEBACKSIES