The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

chris hayes’ wife covers scotus and apparently likes kagan a lot. enough to project she could have been chief justice.

Nobody got my west wing reference earlier. :disappointed:

Lol only just noticed now that Repubs refuse to use the term ‘President Biden’.

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Where was it?

do they realize that they are implicitly conceding that obama was a legit president.


it’s not a good reference because donna is bad.

and like, it would make sense if we somehow luckboxed a conservative justice dying.

She has her moments. “I wouldn’t stop for red lights.”

Only with a Republican Senate. Otherwise it would be rolling over and dying.

In a good and just universe, Kagan would be on the conservative wing of SCOTUS. Like Breyer, she’s way too moderate/conservative.


Tired: McConnell saying we can’t confirm a SC justice in an election year.

Wired: Manchinema saying we can’t confirm a SC justice in an election year.


Since bullying a justice into retiring apparently works, let’s do Alito next.


“I felt that the timetable for the last nominee was too compressed,” Collins told reporters on Thursday. “This time, there is no need for any rush. We can take our time, have hearings, go through the process—which is a very important one. It is a lifetime appointment, after all.”

Only Republicans get quick hearings, then we learn our lesson and slow down on liberal justices.


this is a decent tactic. a truck outside scotus telling thomas to recuse himself on half the cases because of ginny would also be acceptable.

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I remember when Scalia died. I was playing poker when I saw the news. The 2p2 thread was going crazy. It was hard to keep up with. I thought for once we had run somewhat decent. We all know how that turned out.

I’m barely even excited at this right now. What little celebration this warrants will be held until the new justice is actually on the bench. Until then, I just don’t have it in me to care this time around.


Maybe I remember it differently, but I remember the feeling of rungood being very short lived. Within days(I think) Mitch was saying that it wasn’t going to happen and at that point everyone knew how it would turn out.

Is Borking someone even possible in this day and age. It seems like no matter how terrible whatever nominees Trump puts up in his next term, GOP is gonna rubber stamp them no matter what.

Trump might even be able to get Harriet Miers through if he really wanted.

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No (D) Supreme Court appointee is ever getting confirmed by a GOP senate ever again, which is a real problem given Dems are about to lose the senate for at least 2 cycles.


I’m usually hedging on this “dems are so stupid and not strategic” talk because who the hell knows what goes on behind the scenes and what pressure they’re under. But this one - fucking get this thing through now. What in the actual fuck are they thinking?

@anon10396289 says that if there was a D president in the first 2 years of their term, with an R senate then they would agree to confirm a justice.