The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

He doesn’t say this part, he says they’d hold a vote.

That’s true.

The Borking question is mostly irrelevant now. Right wing judges are almost artful at having a sanitized career where the ideology of the judge is mostly conveyed through to their affiliations rather than their jurisprudence.

Far more likely is a personally flawed candidate, such as Kavanaugh or, in an even more cut-and-dry scenario, Thomas. And it’s abundantly clear that there’s nothing beyond the pale for a right-wing SC nominee on a personal level, perhaps short of something truly horrifying to their base, such as murdering a white person (non-leftist).

Anything else–and I’m talking rape, pedophilia, murdering a poc or leftist, etc–will be rammed through.

Worth noting that we were apparently a Rehnquist death away from having Chief Justice Alito instead of Roberts. So we didn’t end up on the literal worst possible timeline. Only like the 8th worst.

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How much difference does that make?

Justice Alito has to be at least 95% as bad as Chief Justice Alito. Maybe even more than 95%.

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Chief Justice (assuming she/he is in the majority) assigns the opinion to whoever they want. So if you (like I do) view Roberts as more of an incrementalist and Alito more of a “who cares, break shit” lunatic, I think you’d end up in a hypothetical world where Alito assigns major conservative-won cases to judges who are more likely to majorly break things, rather than taking much smaller actions.

It certainly still moves in the same direction, but I think a CJ Alito gets the bad stuff done much more quickly and creates more significant precedents. Like, take your favorite case and imagine replacing the court’s opinion with the Thomas or Alito concurrence. I’m pretty sure that would be frightening.

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But in that case wouldn’t you just have other justices concurring but issuing their own opinions/reasoning?

So if Alito assigns it to himself and writes something crazy and 4 others vote the same way, but issue their own joint opinion, wouldn’t their opinion matter more? I don’t know how it works.

Maybe the Justices just read Alito’s opinion and say “Meh, close enough”. I wouldn’t have thought they would be so cavalier, but I have been giving all of them way too much credit for years.

Republicans are going to have to go crazy about whomever the Dems nominate, so that they can nominate Satan and say “Well I guess this is the new normal now” when Dems push back. Also as payback for Kavanaugh.

Biden can nominate Kim Kardashian to the Supreme Court and I’ll argue for her appointment just to own conservatives.

If they nominate Satan Manchin will vote no, though there are a lot of sufficiently left nominees he will vote for.

I’m talking about when they have R senate and president.


Will they outlaw abortion before the mid terms?

They will never outlaw abortion. Only make it practically impossible to get one.

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Yeah they’re absolutely going to pass a national abortion ban, House will probably pass it on day 2 after impeaching Biden in 2023.

Guys the strategic types are long gone.

I don’t actually think one gets past the senate yet in 23-24

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He’ll change his tune if we spend 6 months deliberating, just you watch.


This logic sounds like Critical Race Theory.

Jfc. The first roughly 100 justices had three requirements

Protestant (maybe that stopped earlier say the first 80).