The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

It happened again in Poland:

  1. Woman gets pregnant with twins
  2. First trimester she is admitted to the hospital with complications
  3. One of the twins died
  4. Doctors to not abort the dead twin
  5. Sepsis
  6. Death

Once again, lol at the state of Maine. We are ejecting you from the Northeast Coalition when the country separates.



twitter discourse is really brain dead. so what if Biden pre-emptively eliminated 95% of qualified candidates? Does it really matter if “the best” possible candidate (by WHOSE measure, btw??) is excluded? Like, give me a scenario where a black woman on the court fucks up and some hypothetical white dude (who, btw, must also be in the realm of reasonably plausible Biden picks) would have saved the day. Lay it out for me, what are we possibly missing here?


best “qualified” might be 75 years old or hell 25. but noone is considering them. for the sake of fighting one party takeover we actually need a person from that perfect 45-55 demo.

The goal is to always suggest someone who’s more conservative is the more qualified

Qualified is bullshit from the jump. They just need to vote yes or no. You could get the nodding duck homer simpson uses to run the power plant as long as you positioned it correctly.

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Venting gas prevents explosions.


The Republican Party put W Bush and the host of NBC’s The Apprentice in the White House, they can eat my ass if they wanna say Kentaji Jackson isn’t ‘qualified’ for the job.


You’re missing out on the fact that the most qualified person is obviously a white dude, because it’s always a white dude who is the best at everything white dudes try to do (obviously basketball is something they don’t try too hard to be the best at). So by excluding white dudes from consideration, you’re only considering people with lesser qualifications, which you can see just by looking at them.

They have plenty of answers for this, all are inherently racist. Spoiler alert: they’re going to call for her to recuse herself on the first case she hears that involves race.

This is the proper answer. Joe Biden should say it from the podium, and if anyone doesn’t like it, he should call them a stupid son of a bitch.


her vote doesn’t matter but damnit she should recuse herself

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right, obviously this is the answer, I’m just sort of fishing around for the magic words that will make them say it out loud

That’s what the old GOP would do. It’s the party of Trump, MTG, Gaetz, and Tucker now.

I insist that Biden nominate a lesbian critical race theorist. Just any black woman isn’t good enough.

Why not both?

FWIW, among my FB deplorables I haven’t seen any personal whining or ugly memes about Biden promising to pick a Black woman.

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This. They no longer feel the need to pretend.