The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


Jesus Christ calm down. There have been 5 posts.

It’s a perfectly fair discussion. It should be moved though.

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There are lots of militaries in the world that are not involved in any violent military action. That’s why it was hard to accept

as a


Give it a few minutes. Also there were ~20 already when you said that. Nate Silver gives this an 85% chance of being a 100+ post derail.

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My vote


Come on over

Every time I get an alert on my phone now beginning with “Supreme Court Agrees to Hear…” my heart just drops into my lower intestine.




Blame the person responsible… Feinstein.


What could they have done? If the Dems don’t show up and it’s 3 days of softballs and praise from the R’s, you think her favorability isn’t rising?

They hit on the points they could - ACA, health care, women’s right to choose, and other terrible decisions of hers. She was calm and deflected everything.

They couldn’t hit her on being a rapist like Kav.


Not having Dianne Feinstein in charge of anything would be great.


Feinstein is hugging this tweet

Wtf did Barbara Boxer retire and Feinstein stay on to try to set the record? Fml

Skip the hearings because they’re illigitimate, and announce a mini five minute speech on the situation each night of the week from a high profile Dem, and lean on the networks to carry them. Each speech should mention that they’re skipping the hearings because they aren’t legitimate.

Monday: Obama on his judicial nominees and Merrick Garland

Tuesday: Pete on ACB and Obergefell

Wednesday: Biden on ACB and the ACA

Thursday: AOC on ACB and Roe

Friday: Kamala on the GOP’s attacks on voting rights through the judiciary and on norms and Dems intended response (will focus on HR1, mention court reform briefly)

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Saturday: ACB still confirmed.


Thats’s fine. She wouldn’t have +18 approval among Dems.

She might, that shift isn’t just because Feinstein sucks. Barrett was appealing and non threatening on camera, and if the Democrats don’t even show up she doesn’t get asked any adversarial questions.

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Off topic, but I do think Dems need to find some way to reinstitute Fireside Chats and get them carried by news networks.

I know AMLO was doing this in Mexico, and it helped his popularity.

It would be really nice to have a president regularly reporting to the American people what he is doing for them, and have a chance to tell the American people what Republicans in Congress are really up to.

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I’m not sure about this. Dems were on camera for hours and hours and hours doing exactly what you said. No, it wasn’t Obama/Biden/AOC, but they hit on all the items you just outlined. Regardless of what they did, there were hours of her cordial interactions with all senators, calmly stating that her personal beliefs cannot interfere with her judicial decisions, blah, blah, blah. Those moments were going to be soundbites regardless of what the D’s did to counter-program.

Her favorability went up because she was a way better interviewer than Kav, and I don’t see what the Dems could’ve legitimately done to change that.

People are fucking morons, she’s a nice looking, non-threatening white woman, she was always going to gain from the hearings. The correct play is just to lay low, vote no, then pack the fucking court.