The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

can you impeach a justice for simply being blatantly unqualified?


Maybe Kavanaugh sucks at his job because he’s never had a real job.

He went to a fancy prep school, used that pipeline (along with his legacy status) to get to Yale and Yale Law School, then worked for Ken Starr and George W. Bush before being appointed to the bench. He has never tried a case.

Also, dude is just straight up fucking stupid.


It does seem like he is easily the least intelligent justice in a really long time.

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Beer kills a lot of brain cells.


Shut up no it do not



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Thomas has been regularly asking questions with the new Covid format, where each justice has a set amount of time to ask questions. He said he hated how chaotic the oral arguments were in the past, with justices jumping in and badgering the lawyers rather than letting them make their arguments. Also they’re going by seniority so Thomas gets to ask first. He also said in the past he doesn’t ask questions because someone else will usually ask his questions first. So this lady doesn’t know what she’s talking about here, Thomas has asked hundreds of questions since the zoom Supreme Court era started.

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That’s fine, he’s still a dumb shithead who probably spends his free time forwarding Facebook memes to his equally disgusting wife

Maybe, but anyone who makes such a huge mistake shouldn’t be trusted to accurately paraphrase Thomas’ question in literally the same tweet as the mistake.

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It’s true that Thomas has asked questions more since Scalia isn’t around to think for him anymore

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More like Scalia was one of the most hectoring questioners, who was also probably pretty likely to ask Thomas’ questions first.

In before the “In which Keeeeeeed splits hairs about GOP SC justice ghouls” thread.

sorry, forgot that straight up fabricating facts is fine if it’s done in service to attacking someone you hate. Carry on!

this is a bit surprising

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Holy shit thank God.

I mean he could still vote to overturn it. This is just what he’s saying out loud at argument.

Obamacare w/o the mandate is just gonna suck forever - which may be what they want anyway.

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Didn’t it suck with the mandate too?

I think part of what we’ve figured out is that the mandate either didn’t matter much in the first place, or created some sense of obligation. Eliminating it hasn’t changed much of anything.

What I do know for sure is we can’t afford 4 more years of nothing getting done on HC. So just do the ‘national emergency’ thing like Trump did and tell the courts FU.