The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I mean we elected Joe “Nothing Will Fundamentally Change” Biden.

Yeah I mean it seems like a pretty good indicator, though.

It was better. Costs were not rising as fast. You have to get the young healthies or your pool sucks and eventually looks like the old state high-risk pools, which is where Obamacare seems headed.


Long live blog thread.

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Do we have a sense as to when a ruling on this might come? Is it in the next few weeks, or are they going to dick around until spring?


Big SCOTUS decisions usually don’t come until May at the earliest.


Good ol Romneycare

Didn’t Congress ditch the mandate anyway?

I thought they just ditched the penalty? Which means it is now not a tax.

Yes, but now they want to argue that because the $0 penalty tax penalty is now $0, it means the whole law is unconstitutional.

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It’s not been removed. It was set to $0.

Lol, Peak 2020 is having Kavanaugh be the swing vote that fucking saves Obamacare.

Peak Democrat was doing the Republicans healthcare plan.

Actually, I take it back. It doesn’t even sound like they have Alito on their side. Lol:

[quote] In questioning the attorney for the Trump administration, Alito noted that the “sea change that has occurred” since the first time the court considered the ACA’s constitutionality is Congress’s view on the individual insurance requirement.

“In the first case, there was a strong reason to believe the individual mandate was … essential to keep the plane flying. Now the part has been taken out and the plane has not crashed,” he said. “How would we explain why the individual mandate in its present form is essential to the operation of the act?” [/quote]

Grunching, but I think there is some recent analysis that shows taking away the mandate hasn’t had as devastating an impact as feared.

That’s great.

SCOTUS judges have lifetime appointments and zero incentive to do something that could jeoparodize those lifetime appoinmtents by possibly bringing about the fall of the republic.