The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

You might try going to pornhub and typing “pussy” into the search function.

I’m curious if this is still true in a world where “court packing” becomes a real risk. (I’m not sure we’re in this world, but let’s pretend).

Isn’t there value to them in stopping Biden if it means it stops their power from being diluted/removed?

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Yep. The main reason why the conservative justices would go the “fuck you” route is because they genuinely believe in conservatism and fear a lurch to the left.

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So now it is up to Democrats to recalibrate their understanding of just what is and isn’t appropriate — starting with expanding the Supreme Court as soon as they have the opportunity, which could come in January 2021.

This may be the single most important thing they have to remember: Their actions must not be determined by whether Republicans will complain .

Unfortunately, that’s how Democrats usually see things. If Republicans raise a stink — or even if they just assume Republicans might raise a stink — then Democrats shrink back in fear, lest the action they’re contemplating be considered inappropriate.

But by now they should understand that Republicans will say that everything they do, no matter how by-the-book it might be, is an egregious violation of propriety and good conduct. That’s how Republicans operate, precisely because they know Democrats are deeply concerned with whether processes are conducted in fair and reasonable ways.


We face a far right 6-3 majority for decades to come but you’ve got cat videos so we should all feel warm and fuzzy?

Well gee thanks for your wonderful contributions to this thread.

It’s okay everyone, we may not have healthcare, women’s rights or gay rights, but here’s a video of a puma!

At least show us the lions killing the gazelles cause that’s the reality we are facing in USA#1 if we don’t sweep the election, get Trump out of office, nuke the filibuster and pack the courts.


I’m sure Marc Elias is doing great work but the dude’s twitter game tilts me so hard.


Dude we already follow you, stop the used car salesman routine.

Stupid thing is actual tweet was a whole 8 minutes later.

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Imagine if he ever dissented on any right-wing cause - how much he’d probably hear about it at home. She might as well be the SCOTUS judge for any high-profile case.

I remember watching the Clarence Thomas hearings in college with bemused detachment. Little did I know he’d be fucking up this country for the majority of my adult life - just like Kav, Gor and ACB will for kids in college today. So depressing.

Imagine if a liberal justice’s spouse was posting allegations against Trump on social media how Fox News and Trump would react.


This is straight up fucking insane. Pure derp.


If Trump loses is there anything to stop Thomas from retiring and Repubs to replace him in the lame duck?


Hmm… Who is running this packed arch-conservative Supreme Court?

leonard leo

Is it 67 votes to impeach a SCOTUS justice?

Imagine if a presidential candidate’s son got a job!


Inso0 and others like him have been telling us this couldn’t or wouldn’t happen this whole time since they got jobs at the WH or before. Then, after assuring everyone Trump wouldn’t do it, justify it somehow usually with “Dems do it too” or “it’s not the end of the world yet, cry moar libtard”. A few weeks later the next unimaginable thing that Trump will never do happens.
