The Supreme Court, Part 2: When the president does it that means that it is not illegal

This seems like a big win for the tax evading rich people crowd. Most of them don’t use churches.

Q: What do you call requiring the IRS to spend all their time auditing churches?

A: A good start.


Manchin has already said he won’t vote to confirm any judge unless they have the support of at least one GOP senator. Presumably this includes SCOTUS nominees. It’s Joever

Vote was 6-3. You need moar than two.

lol ask a girl to hold hands get turned down so ask her for for hardcore s&m.

so i listened to the 5-4 podcast on trump v us, okay i listened to 2/3rds of it. had to shut it off because i was ready to fight :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

i don’t know if i’m built for the next 6 months/years.

“the justice dept serves at the whim of the president. presidents can use it to investigate anyone for any reason, but THIS president can’t use a special prosecutor” did it.

For those with families or friends that don’t understand what happened last week, legal eagle breaks it down in less than 30 minutes

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This is very sweet summer child of me because I haven’t read the decision or much of the coverage yet, but immunity for official acts and no immunity for acts that are not official seems to be in line with what cops and such get. So it would seem, like in the case of cops, if you’re going to go after the President for something, most of your effort will be spent on deciding whether an act is official or not.

So if I understand everything correctly, the main problem with this decision is not the different treatment of official vs unofficial, it’s that they made it so the President can claim that nearly any act is official. Do I have that right? Close?

Yeah, watch the video above your post. Thats essentially correct with a side of “we really have no fucking idea what is or isnt official or when something can be made official, etc.” But the dissenters essentially say that this gives the president wide powers to murder not only his political opponents, but also any dissenters within his own cabinet.

If they had this ruling 6 years ago, Trump could have simply murdered Sessions instead of going through the whole Saturday Night Massacre thing.

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The cop analogy doesn’t work because SCOTUS has said the president can explicitly do illegal things as long as they are official. For example, Trump asking pence to change the election, although clearly illegal, can’t be prosecuted.

The issue is not that it make the president like a cop. It’s that it literally means no laws apply to him if the act is deemed official. It’s important to note that in the core section of his duties, for which he receives absolute and total immunity no matter what he does, is his position as head of the military. Just think about that for a second! As Sotamayor said, he can literally direct the military to murder a political rival and there are no laws that will apply to him.

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Waiting for pitchbot to come out with “Where does Nixon go to get his apology?”

Yep with this ruling there was no reason to pardon Nixon.

You sure about that?

Al Capone getting got for taxes and all, but it’s nauseating that Nixon needed a pardon for breaking into a hotel and not for killing at least hundreds of thousands of people in an illegal war.

And Trump won’t need this immunity for mass deportations. He’ll need it for emoluments. Oh, wait, he won’t need it for that either.

And the way this is structured, they can say “This doesn’t mean Nixon would have been innocent, it means that everything he did would have been presumed to be an official act, and a court would first have to review that issue before he could be charged with anything.”

The “founders” did not conceive of an entirely corrupt government where there is no bottom too low, and today’s SCOTUS definitely does not care about the fact that’s what we have now.

It’s way worse than that. People are getting some relief from the supposed review of what is presumptive immunity and what is not but the court basically made this impossible with the standard that any review has to assume ZERO effect on the ability for president to do their job. There can be NO intrusion. This means all acts will have total immunity in practice.

Not all, just Republican.

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Trump having immunity doesn’t mean it’s legal for the government to throw everyone in camps or not have elections though.