The Supreme Court, Part 2: When the president does it that means that it is not illegal

The thing to do is assassinate Trump while he’s giving one of his powerful speeches about sharks eating batteries underwater. That’s the thing to do. Problem is, I call “not it” first.

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This was a tiny protest. If America had any hope thousands would show up at each of the six homes.


either i’m vastly overestimating how many people have it in them or vastly underestimating how effective personal security is, bc it’s sorta like alien intelligence in the galaxy. there SHOULD be lots of it out there, same way there probably should have been more assassination attempts on national officials. but where are they?

a handful of people could change the country overnight with a couple of week’s worth of surveillance and a willingness to die.

like these justices can’t possibly have the small army they’d need to be safe, so there must not be anyone willing to die over their fuckery.

Lol even the tut tuting conservatives haven’t read or thought the opinion out. It’s explicit in the opinion official acts are off limits to be used as evidence for a crime. What’s a bribe? Money in exchange for something, What’s that something? An official act? Guess what, can’t use it.

Ok fine, maybe the Courts need to differentiate between a ‘legitimate use’ of the official act and something that’s not legitimate. Fine. Will the investigation possibly inhibit presidential power? Yes? Can’t investigate.


say a non-biden democrat wins the election and wants to make full use of the new immunity rules…

what would s/he do? not necessarily what’s the most they could get away with legally, what WOULD they do? like if it were one of you, what would you do?

They won’t apply to Dems.



but what would you do to push the limit and find out?

Probably have the military start executing right wing domestic terrorists.

As a bold, edgy centrist Dem, I would consider lowering the corporate tax rate by just 5% instead of lowering it by 10%. I know is sounds crazy and “out there”, but that’s the kind of thing that I would do to really “shake things up”.

Uh, actually, wait. My team of consultants is telling me that Republicans will call me a SOCIALIST if I do that. I withdraw my proposal and I resign in disgrace.


there has to be a way to use these powers in a way that doesn’t fuck anything up, but shows how outrageous they are. and trolls the shit out of conservatives.

I am not kidding if it were me, I’d send the cia to Thomas and Alito’s house and at the very least, hold them at a black site until this SC BS is rectified

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i feel like saying you were going to on say august 1st unless they reconsider would do the same thing.

“i officially believe, officially, that the current SC are enemies of the state. thus, officially, i will order them held and interrogated in a way officially approved by the SC on 8/1/24. officially.”

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Honestly I think the best way would be to use it to actually go after Biden’s political opponents and just say they represent a threat to democracy.

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start seizing semiautomatics and handguns


Oh, that’s an “unoffical” act. Tough luck, kiddo.


As an official act, require that the IRS spend all their time auditing churches


i like the cut of your jib…