The Supreme Court, Part 2: When the president does it that means that it is not illegal

How long after Trump gets elected will it take for calls to repeal the 22 Amendment make it to the top of the right wing media beast? I’d say within 6 months.

They won’t have to repeal it. They can just ignore it. Who’s going to stop them? Easier that way.

They will need some sort of argument that they can launder through their media outlets to justify it, though. The language of the 22nd is about as clear as you can get. At this point I’m resigned to morbid curiosity as to how they will sell it.

Something like this:

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There we go. That’s the stuff.

I was telling someone yesterday that it’s a good thing I’m not an 81 yo POTUS at the end of my life. I’d test out that ruling in all kinds of ways lol

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It won’t be a fun 10 years if that’s what you’re thinking. The symptoms of the declining health will be worse than the pleasurable indulgences are good

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Well sure but I could just pull the plug at that point

Serious answer to a possibly unserious question (I can’t help myself) - the absolute correct thing to do in the face of these structural catastrophes that we have no control over is to seize control and lean into those areas of our lives where we actually can make a difference and improve our circumstances. If you want to stop caring about something, stop caring about politics. Get off the forum and work on improving your relationships, physical health, etc. I don’t mean to lecture - I’m obviously here doom scrolling with the rest of you guys - but if you or anyone else here is feeling like giving up on something then you definitely do not want to be giving up on yourself. As terrible as Republicans are and as feckless and cowardly as the eDems are, sunset and dogs and love still exist and they will always exist. If you want to really give Trump and other idiots a big fuck you, then the best thing to do is to be happy in spite of them.


Pretty sure they dont allow dogs in the gulag for those thrown in for being pro-trans rights

Wallowing in despair won’t fix it. That just results in the same bad outcomes for other people and a worst outcome for you.

The range or reasonable options is fight for poltical change or tap out and focus on your own wellbeing. Destroying your own wellbeing while doing nothing to make the world better is objectively stupid, although it does seem to be the path of choice for a ton of people for some reason.

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Whats the old saying? Ignorance is bliss?

There’s actually space between “ignorance” and “social media fueled mental health spiral”, although the nature of social media is to try to convince you otherwise.


I would add that it is possible to fight for political change where there is a possibility of doing some good. You can give up on POTUS, SCOTUS, etc, and work for positivity in the political realm close to home. Locally I got involved in defeating two anti-LGBTQ school board candidates and it was SO positive for me mentally.

Accept the things you cannot change, work to change the things you can. Getting madder and madder about the national state of affairs isn’t going to change anything. If anybody here is going to take up arms against the tyrants, more power to you. Maybe once my kids are fully grown I’ll choose that path, but for now they need me here.


Is there a difference between “social media is fueling a downward spiral” and “reading the decisions this week are fueling a downward spiral?”

I hate dogs.

Yes, this aligns perfectly to what I am saying. What I am arguing against is self destructive activity when one’s resilience is completely worn down (which happens to everyone from time to time, and it’s a valuable life skill to develop the self awareness for it and “step away” as appropriate).


just curious but how much discretion does supreme court have wrt when they release this shit? It doesn’t really matter one way or the other but if they actually just snatched at the chance to release the really really evil stuff relatively under the radar in aftermath of biden collapse then that’s just perfect. And would be the kind of second-order reason to be livid with biden & his handlers that gets underrated imo

what a surprise said no one