The Supreme Court, Part 2: When the president does it that means that it is not illegal

There should be a couple hundred thousand people protesting in the streets. How do people organize?

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Insane that it took this long for anyone in Congress to bring impeachment charges. Thomas taking millions in bribes wasn’t enough on its own, I guess.

She can do much more. She can resign and call out Alito, Thomas et al as the partisan hacks they are. But nah.

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Yeah, but her legacy! Just like RBG.

They’ve made all these decisions and issued opinions and shit over lo these many years and now they’re just gonna say lol, none of that matters, the president can do whatever the fuck he wants. Why? Only possible answer is they see the opportunity as fascists to grab absolute power and they’re going for it.


Unless you give a detailed account of how this will go down then it just can’t be imagined according to Angry Queer.

Looking back, pretty sure Trump’s “American carnage” was referring to the damage climate change will do.


From old thread about Biden executing Trump by drone strike:

It’s easy for me to say, but if I’m Biden I do it anyway. Worst case, SC says “LOL that doesn’t apply to Democrats” and I go to jail (after attempting to self-pardon of course). I probably end up in a minimum security prison for the rest of my days which aren’t that numerous any way since I’m more or less a walking corpse already.

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The madlads really did it. I honestly did not think they would do this.

Sorry, I have brunch plans. Hopefully someone else can save democracy.


This is inevitable in a basically corrupt government. Too many congress members are themselves getting rich on corrupt practices and they don’t want to normalize exposing and punishing corruption because that will put their own grift at risk. Think of Pelosi and all the other inside trading members of congress. They are going to use all their influence to block any punishment for Thomas. They don’t want to be next.

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I see a lot of “well if the President is immune then Biden should X” comments and I think that people are really missing the point of the whole official/unofficial acts thing. Conservatives believe that rules are meant to be applied unequally, that power structures are to be used to entrench and increase power imbalaces. The official/unofficial split is designed by conservatives so that everything they like can be called an “official act” and everything they don’t like can be called an “unofficial act”, and it will work every time because the centrist types will dutifully scurry back to their laptops and debate among themselves the proper definition of an official act, while conservatives get what they want and liberals don’t. It’s how America works.


Ive been trying to determine the last few days whether to continue trying to diet and living a long healthy life or going full hedonist and having my heart explode at 50. Thoughts?

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Depends on how old you are now. If you are 49 go full hedonist, but we will need pictures.

40, I figure a decade will do it

Meh, at that point your just living like a normal American middle-aged guy. Boring

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Biden should pardon Nicholas Roske.

Roberts has a bit too much pride for Trump. He’ll do what Trump wants, but he won’t grovel just to grovel. It would be a tragic flaw if he weren’t such a contemptible figure.