The Supreme Court, Part 2: When the president does it that means that it is not illegal

At this point I am losing a lot of respect for the three dissenters too. We are past the time a pithy dissent “with respect” means a fucking thing. If they are not on every news shows calling out this court they are simply part of the problem.

Inb4 they do an interview about how they love to play bridge with alito and his wife.

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Sotomayor’s dissent was fine and she read it from the bench. That’s as much as could have been done short of poisoning her colleagues’ tea.

That’s not as much as she can do. Not even close. It’s only as much as she can do if she is willing to perpetuate the lie this is a legitimate court engaged in legitimate law.

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She could fucking retire

But poisoning tea works too


47 Dems in the Senate + Bernie

Can the Dems confirm a SCOTUS nomination?


Academic at this point, but do the Dems even have the votes to confirm new justices?

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Manchin said he will vote against anyone who doesn’t get at least one Republican vote.

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Zero chance

She should use her post to deligitimize her post imo.



That feels like a point of no return where you’re giving up on the court ever being a legitimate body in the future. It’s the step you take if you’re willing to fight a civil war over it.

The opposite. It’s the step you take if you don’t want to fight a war.

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Yeah I mean I guess she could make an appearance on the Dorks Save Fredonia podcast and do a little cackling as well. All of that and about 82 bucks are worth a barrel of WTI crude though.

Yeah can’t wait for that 12-3 republican SC

wait isn’t it 48 Dems + Bernie + Angus + Sinema - Manchin = 50?

Yeah, confirmation is possible without any Republicans. Manchin was a Democrat when he voted to confirm Jackson, and now he’s not. It could happen, but I wouldn’t count on it.

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Sinema and Manchin are not going along. I’d assume they are covering for a few more.

They’d need 55 I’d guess to have any chance.

Israeli Supreme Court tried to take extra power and there are months of protests and thousands in the streets in a tiny county.

Same thing in the US and there will be zero civil unrest.

Why? Roberts is on his side of all of these 6-3s.