The Supreme Court, Part 2: When the president does it that means that it is not illegal

They have it right now.

It’s kind of insane the bad guys didn’t clean up this Supreme Court loophole during the gilded age or roaring twenties. We are truly completely fucked now. There’s no way out without violence.


Biden could have done this at any point. Instead he formed a task force who were explicitly told to make no such recommendation.

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Biden should take immunity out for a spin by destroying all of the student loan records and then declaring the debts absolved. Let the SC order the Feds to continue billing people when the records are gone.


Half the dem senators probably aren’t voting to expand SCOTUS even now, much less Manchin and Sinema who will never go for it. I think it also means nuking the filibuster.


This is a fun little exercise but we all know, and more importantly John Roberts knows, the democrats won’t do shit.

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Sure maybe whatever but they were not even allowed to suggest it.

The point is Dems don’t want to expand the court because they fucking love how things are turning out. All these rulings are awesome for billionaires and dems serve them the same as republicans.

Their brand is just to pretend to care about average people just enough that is doesn’t hurt billionaires too much but can trick people into thinking they are the good guys.



The last time the Dems had a trifecta, they tried to codify Roe in May 2022 and didn’t have the votes to overcome the filibuster in the Senate. Packing the Court would have been less likely to go through, I think.

Basically, for the Dems to do anything they need to get to 54-55 in the Senate so they can kill the filibuster even with some holdouts. You can have a more conservative Democratic president than Biden, but more shit will get done just because even the moderate stuff that is better than the status quo will start passing.


He doesn’t want the loans forgiven and neither do you

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Good luck with that.

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Hasn’t this forum been complaining about Dems not forcing enough votes on things that won’t pass?

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Which will all be paywalled

Reading more about the ruling today and it’s way worse than the absolute horror show I had originally thought. It totally nullifies the legitimacy of the court and people like iron are absolutely fucking insane to suggest the court should be given any deference. These people’s homes, gyms, vacation spots should be stalked. They should be protested in every way possible every time the show up in public. They should be made to not have a single second of peace and their lives should be shear misery at every moment. I could not care less about the impact on their families. Everything short of violence should be their norm.

Instead, there will be zero protests and this will all be forgotten by Wednesday.

You might be insufficiently extreme with this post.

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The blue checked marked bots are all over this tweet.

Fuck off Elon!!!

Of course not, and they know their voters won’t punish them for it.

People on “our” side of the aisle aren’t going to lift a finger to take any action that might upset their comfortable little existences. Hell, we even see it right here on this very forum, a sizeable portion of which can’t even tear themselves away from a social media app that is owned and operated by a literal Nazi.

This nation is fucked. I see no point at all in even discussing it anymore.

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