The Supreme Court, Part 2: When the president does it that means that it is not illegal

That would be fine


Again, he just pardons himself and says no backies

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Good point.

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If you have a rule and there’s no consequences for breaking that rule, you don’t have a rule.

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Am I the only one who looks forward to this never-ending anxiety attack finally ending in a few decades when I’m on my deathbed? Yeah? Cool.


Only if we develop a society that doesn’t respect norms. We have that society for the most part, which is why I get annoyed when people try to move in the other direction.

Norms are value agnostic though. A norm is a convention you follow. All societies have norms, not all societies are good though.

it’s like the grandfather paradox lol

Obviously a terrible opinion. But such a damn sloppy one as well. What a sad day.

Are we fucking done for this term at least?

Qualified immunity for them. It’s the opposite though. If Biden did it himself it wouldn’t fall under the official act of the office, supposedly. If he orders it as part of being the Commander in Chief then it’s ok. Seems dumb that the Commander in Chief can’t do himself what he could order someone else to do, but that’s why I’m not a law person.


. Just stop

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Look at the bright side, we will get some good 5-4 content for a few weeks!


Muh norms unironically cited itt. :leolol:


it sounds lovely when he describes it in that way

This is the reference.

Quick question for anyone whos knows… Have Dems had any chance within the last 8 years to expand the SC? I’m arguing with someone who says no, but I thought we had the chance and blew it

Clarence was just giving a nice shout out to Judge Cannon.

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