The Supreme Court, Part 2: When the president does it that means that it is not illegal

It actually does. Who is going to stop him.

I thought we were talking about a case of being unable to vote on cases but not replaced.

Like R senate. Two of the conservatives disappear. Court is 4-3 bad guys.

It will still be illegal for other people. They can go to jail. He can shoot someone on 5th avenue though.

Except SCOTUS reminded everyone that one of his core powers is the pardon for which he can never be tried even if he was to openly take a bribe for example. This de facto makes his minions immune too.

Conveniently, he also decides who gets prosecuted.


It was already all bribes before Citizens United. Now it will be pocketing some money instead of needing it for re-election? Yes, that will be horrible, but it won’t end democracy.

Not really.

People other than the POTUS will still be following the law even when the POTUS doesn’t.

It’s all a little like the nausea over the worst thing about Nixon being Watergate when he had 3 million tons of bombs dropped on Cambodia. Why panic over Trump? Well, millions of people are going to die because of climate catastrophes and he’s going to make that a lot worse and happen faster. But that won’t happen to our class of people (wealthy Americans and Canadians). And, perhaps there will be a large expansion of deportations of undocumented people. But that won’t happen to us.

The contrast is less maybe a little less stark, maybe not, but how would a panic about Watergate thread have looked to people in Cambodia in 1972?

Democracy, such as it is, is not going to end in the USA. People aren’t going to be put in camps because they voted for Biden. Trump is not going to have a third term. But there are still plenty of reasons to panic.

I’m willing to bet on a Trump third term if given the right odds.

My $150 to your $50.

US or Canadian?


Either way is fine I guess. Up to Clovis - but yeah, I saw that other bet and lol I guess we should specify.

I think this means the Watergate burglary would have been legal and cool if Nixon had used the FBI instead of hiring private hoodlums.

Doesn’t matter. Those people will find themselves fired or worse if they don’t do what he says. They’ll be replaced by someone who will. SC said anything he does wrt DoJ is a core presidential power and he can fire the AG at any time for any reason, even if it’s to further a crime. He can have people who don’t comply tried on false evidence. He can give free passes to people who commit crimes for him. He has absolute power.

That’s crazy odds . I’d bet 300 to 50 and you are still getting a huge edge. USD for the smartasses.

$150 to $25. USD.

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Are we even sure private hoodlums aren’t OK?


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Watergate would be 100% legal. Even if he hired outside people.

10% chance I remember this that long. I’m counting on you.

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The odds of a Trump third term are higher than us remembering this bet. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grin:


I hope I owe you tomrrrow because his fat heart explodes tonight. Would be best $25 I’ve ever spent.