THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

I don’t expect Bernie to drop out but he might scale back his campaign. There is a serious chance that Biden becomes incapacitated sometime in the next 4 months.

pretty broken brain on display where bernie saying accurate things about biden’s record is “being a dick”

he should stay in until the end to try to move some of biden’s platform away from policies that are blatantly shitty for the common guy

MORE incapacitated, I mean.

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LOL Chris, even if this happens they will sub him with Kamala or someone like that.

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Bernie’s still insisting they all colluded against him when I think if you believe amy and pete colluded together; I think you might be interested in purchasing the brooklyn bridge.

Michigan was called immediately for Biden

They can’t if Bernie wins a majority of delegates, which he might if Biden dropped dead tomorrow.

wow bernie said they all colluded against him? link pls

If Biden becomes incapacitated we’re getting Hillary at the convention. Load up on PI boys!

From FiveThirtyEight:

I was gonna lololds this quote, but really it’s both.

0 cares what you think bruh. Keep drinking the koolaid. I’m calling it for Trump. Biden was a lost cause of the beginning but hacks like you couldn’t get him out of the race. Enjoy the death of the party.

Watching this loser on CNN who looks like he ate Jeffery Toobin gleefully talk about Joe Biden’s delegates has been one of the low points of my life.



wheatrich is a liar

The speed and thoughtlessness with which every single Democrat got behind Biden is depressing beyond words and confirms that we have absolutely zero chance of making things better.


He’s not really a liar, he’s just wrong.

You need olds to die. That’s the only way. The depressing thing is that given the turnout numbers of young people, like I haven’t crunched the numbers or anything but it’ll probably be two more cycles at least.

It’s going to take an actual revolution.

If only there was this thing

It’s like when awval was unable to hide his giddiness over that $200 tax cut. Known by most people here as a “tell.”