THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

very quiet in here

Biden: 'I voted for and supported the Iraqi war"

Early bernie lead in michigan. Fully expect this to be the highlight of the evening

He just needs to do well enough to get to the debate before all of these paid-for corporate shill assholes join in the chorus for him to drop out tomorrow.

He’s literally going to need old man Biden feverdreaming about sleeping with giraffes and dolphins in the debate to sort out this delegate lead.

But yeah a Michigan win gets him to the debate. And based on last cycle I don’t think Bernie quits.

I’m grading that exact scenario PK and only because the debate is 50% to get canceled.

So whats a win for bernie tonight? Win Washington and keep Michigan close who cares about the rest?

Got a good laugh out of this. lol cnn

and you all think they’re biased against him, projecting him to win a state he’s gonna lose by a lot


I’ve got him behind 13 pts in MI with 14% reporting. This sucks.

Sure but that’s probably not happening.

The only thing left for Bernie is to demolish Biden in the debate. Not that it will help him win, but it will be very satisfying.

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Good luck all…:crossed_fingers: Let’s hope Bernie does enough tonight to carry him forward :grinning:

He’ll win dems abroad (if he loses THIS I got owned hard) and if it makes you feel better I’m about to lose too much money thinking Bernie would win Idaho too.

He definitely should drop out if all he wins is abroad and something like Idaho or ND (which they gather like a caucus but votes are a primary so they can just leave instead of stick around)–17th is worse for him than this collection of states including what will be a giant # of delegates he will not get in Florida.

I don’t know that he will though, he definitely seems like he might keep going and attacking biden the whole way just to be a dick about it.

DDHQ has 39% reporting, Bernie 10 points down. There really did turn out to be a consolidated anti-Bernie vote.

I think one takeaway from this cycle is how bad favorables are as a predictor of voting. In 2016 Ben Carson had huge favorables, but it was always obvious to me that nobody actually intended to vote for him. This cycle, Sanders is very popular but it’s not ultimately translating into votes.

Narrative wise win Michigan. If he wins MI he wins WA. WA not enough. But the delegates in MS and MO is going to be disastrous.

Wow, Bernie is absolutely not going to keep going to be a dick. He may have reasons to continue beyond winning the presidency, but this is not one of them.

Bernie is a pretty good soldier. He will endorse Biden eventually and he is not going to savage him if the race is hopeless.

Have felt like I went into another dimension over the last 10 days. What a turn of events.


winning michigan gives him a fighting chance to survive next week in Illinois/Ohio.

loses washington and it’s basically over, his best areas of the country (outside of VT) are all western states and we’ve already gone through most of them.

california hasn’t even been counted from last week lol, no expectations for anything fair or fast.


Wheatrich is the democrat-establishment equivalent of an edgelord. He’s just here to hate but don’t worry his tears of selfhate will be evident in november when he is crying about how we cost him the election.