THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

We like to hate on Boomers but wtf Silent Generation. Keep it in your fucking pants.

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Looks like I’m getting called a liar and wrong by the same people who thought bernie was winning every state two weeks ago.

Sure, biden might not overcome his weaknesses but I think it’s ridiculous to call me a liar or say I am totally wrong to think bernie wasn’t a better general candidate after these results.

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Can’t we just have our pity party in peace.

Square McCasket says “young people not turning out to vote for us is a problem we deal with every cycle” with no hint of sarcasm. Yeah dawg, what a fuckin’ mystery. :thinking:

Imagine sitting in a motherfucking dealership for 8 hours to buy a Buick Regal. #excitement

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Is this the moving to another country thread yet?

Fundamental Theory of Rigging is you just do it a little bit, not enough to tip everyone off like Russ Hamilton or that live poker asshole. These numbers where Biden scooped every Hillary voter plus another 30% aren’t even slightly believable.

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If Biden wins in November at least we’ll have a POTUS who is too fucking stupid, senile and incompetent to tweet.



McCasket predicting Biden wins every state like she already knows is some Karl Rove shit.

My bougie brother is texting to gloat. I mad.



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Ta-ta-ta-team corona.

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America’s best shot now is whoever wins, Trump or Biden, they stroke out and spend their entire term in a vegetative state but a split congress is unable to remove them.

James Carville: “This is about democracy. It’s time to shut this puppy down.” It’s obvious this dude is on here trolling for support to cancel the debate and go full Joe Hidin’ before he assaults someone in a crowd or goes catatonic on live TV. You wouldn’t argue to stop a basketball game because the favorite is up 75-63 at halftime but democracy is different I guess.

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Guess I can tune all this out until the general election starts.

There’s like a 20% chance, at least, that one of these two strokes out before Election Day.

Carville is a god damn hobgoblin

If they ever remake Lord of the Rings he’s your Squint Eyed Southerner ainec

I wanna go back to not following any of this shit this closely. I want to enjoy like not knowing people running in the primaries the way I enjoy not knowing who is on Battle of the Dancing Stars or whatever crap is on TV.