THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

A lot of experts say we are already in the middle of a human-induced mass-extinction event:

I was specifically talking about a reduction in the number of humans. It’s indisputable that humans (most specifically their transit) have caused an extinction of numerous others.

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Found out my mom voted for Bernie. Little surprised.


What were you expecting?


Could have been anyone, but she had said that she liked Steyer. She said something to the effect of Bloomberg being able to win because he’s so rich. Could have been Biden. I have basically never talked about politics with her (though I have listened/heard quite a bit), and was going to just guess why she voted Bernie (because of my daughters), but I asked and her answer was more like authenticity and passion, though I think my daughters probably still had something to do with it.


My mom is more lefty than I am, she’s been a Sanders fan for a long time. Though she also liked Steyer for some damn reason.

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Everybody ended up loving Steyer lol

Lol, coalition building!

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He’s been on ignore forever, but I imagine it was the dunk of all dunks lol


How is highlighting Steyer’s (who I think is pretty swell as far as billionaires go) history of questionable investments in any way bad or negative or toxic? I legitimately don’t understand.

I see that hidden reply but I’ll stop for the sake of the thread and the whole point of ignoring lol. There’s def a part of me that wants to see the insanity though. I will admit that.

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That said. Super Tuesday is almost a week ago which means this thread will be closed soon. Sooooo… burn it down to drive the ignored more crazy?

Since you’re wasting my time with this BS.

“cant handle the truth. better bury your head in the sand. this is a dunk.”

It appears as if he is saying that that investment history disqualified him from being a worthy candidate. It comes across as a purity test. Same as people saying that Elizabeth Warren isn’t a progressive. It’s obnoxious and toxic, imo. Like, y’all complain about the snake emoji’s like that’s the toxic thing that people drag some Bernie supporters for, instead of the constant barrage stupid/ignorant takes that disqualify large swaths or reasonable, decent people from being allies and cast them As corrupt and evil.

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Using the phrase “purity test” is pretty much an admission that you’re wrong. If you think having made his money investing in coal and prison is fine, then just say it’s fine.


Dude, the internet points there! You might consider erasing goofy from the beginning of your name. You can go to sleep satisfied tonight.

He said “legit mental brain worms”

He replied that to someone who he knows has him on ignore and is baiting him for more in a dead thread? Thanks.

From hence forward, this shall be called the reverse purity test :rofl: