THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

I mean sure.

But hopefully people wake the fuck up and realize these establishment shitbags are unelectable in the general.

Since thats the obvious conclusion most of them will probably move to the right :(


JFC, the south is just full of completely inept morons.

So the solution is to vote for whatever turd they run out there, no matter what, forever?

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I’m listening to black voters, and what I’m hearing is that our finance system that allows me to earn a very comfortable living while posting here all day is awesome! Thank you, working hard!

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I don’t have solutions.

I’m out of ideas.

This is why I wear the WAAF badge.

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Right there with you ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I just got to the WAAF level now I need to work even harder

There’s the broad coalition that Bernie failed to capture. And Warren. I’m not giving anyone passes.

Now who’s making normative statements that coincidentally support their candidate?

This is all wrong. I’m on record saying Liz shouldn’t have raised her hand at the first debate taking the side of abolishing private health care (she should hold that position, but the question was a trap). She shouldn’t have made “I have a plan for that” such a core principle in her campaign that she would be pressured into completing every disingenuous homework assignment only to have her plans disingenuously picked apart anyway. The difference between myself and most of the Bernie Bros on this forum is I’m not living in a fantasy world where my candidate is blameless for their failures.

Let’s get back on subject though because none of this has anything to do with normative statements (or positive statements or wtf ever goal post shift you come up with next). What has happened here is you made a claim that was so ridiculously and provably false I can only assume you didn’t spend any time considering whether it was actually true. You assumed that I must have been motivated to defend my candidate because that’s what you would do (as shown above) and you can not conceive of someone doing anything else. Your entire word salad response was like a shotgun blast of irrelevant distractions, and although I took the bait splitting quotes into 3 different threads, we’re going to end this by refocusing on the fact that your OP was entirely wrong no matter how you look at it, you should take the loss, apologize for wasting everyone’s time, and move on.

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Looks like Warren dropped out.

Week too late

Maybe not forever, but this time, yes.

That’s what they say every time.


Yeah I guess I’d like someone to sketch out a scenario where you would change your advice. I can’t think of one.

Once a viable third party rises

It’s not an accident that the USA has always had two parties even if they’ve changed around. It’s virtually impossible.

So the answer is literally never in a two party system. Noted ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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That’s the red pill life

Do YOU have an alternative?

I don’t. But this was the best electoral situation the left has ever had in this country and we never really had a chance (I still hope I’m wrong!). So I don’t know if electorialism will ever be the answer.