THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

You’re voting for his VP.

I don’t think we can draw that conclusion. We can only say that the price point is higher than 600 million. Bloomberg only spend 1% of his net worth and came late to the party. What if he had spend 5% and started 3 months earlier. He could have had a very strong campaign for that amount of money.

It is when the wait times are longer in selected locations that favor one party or candidate while being shorter when it favors the other party or candidate.

Edit: additionally even if it is applied in an unbiased fashion it still favors certain voter blocks who have the time to wait 2h.

How about eleven year olds being able to hack our election booths and states like Georgia destroying recorders after a close election.

Oh no doubt there are a ton of scummy Election Day tactics at play. It will be way worse in November.


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Also Bloomberg is very unappealing. And he did well in some places. Steyer did well where he spent a lot too. And Bloomberg just wanted to make sure Bernie was out.

I’m not thrilled with Biden. Actually not thrilled is an understatement. However, a year ago I actually would have felt pretty great about Biden’s chances because I didn’t know he was as senile as Trump if not moreso (or maybe he wasn’t yet).

I think that if he is able to hold it together for the next 8 months without any major dotard moments, he’s is in decent shape. But it seems like the chances of that are low.

If you want something to cling to, I guess you can remember that at this time 4 yrs ago, we all thought Trump was an even longer shot than Biden is.


Lol people bragging about not voting like they are proud trump voters. So silly. Who are you people.

Why are these institutions worth saving? Living in this this country is like being trapped inside a horror film for large swaths of the population and pretty much always has been. It’s a funhouse for reckless, entitled sociopaths with insatiable appetites for blood and gold bullion–a bullshit country founded by neurotic religious dickheads that we dressed up with some eagles, tuxedos, and neon lights. When you strip away the facade, it’s rigged carnival games all the way down.


Well they’re worth saving because they’re the only plausible means to exerting any control over this structure. I mean if you think armed rebellion or something is a better bet, go wild.

The Democratic Party is not worth saving, but the problem is that you cannot destroy it by subjecting it to Presidential electoral defeat, or really any kind of electoral defeat. As an institution they care more about their own survival and keeping the gravy train going than about winning elections. You can only destroy it that way by destroying democracy in the process. It has to be overthrown by internal revolt, and giving up and throwing a tantrum because this has failed to be accomplished in two cycles seems premature. Progress was clearly made this cycle.

The vast majority of the people ITT were happy as hell when Obama was elected, the idea that they’ve been settling for least-worst options for decades is revisionist. Lessons were learnt under Obama about the importance of policy over platitudes and the impossibility of change under the existing Democratic structure. There have now been two cycles where the Left have been attempting to seize control of the Democratic Party and they went close to getting a presidential candidate up over the strenuous opposition of the entire media and political class. That’s pretty good for a second attempt imo. I understand the objection that this is too slow but nobody has a better idea.


This is admittedly just for personal pleasure and satisfaction though, yes?

We know you’re a tough guy and aren’t voting for Biden. No one cares, you can stop saying it.

Just want to drop a note for those of you who have moved beyond the WAAF stage.

“Burn it all down” is now available.


Whigs ended in basically the exact opposite way you’re describing. Disgruntled people got tired and said fuck it and they were extinct like four years later. The Dems can be shown to be fools with an embarrassing defeat here by running out a corpse that’s clearly suffering from dementia. His brain could be mashed potatoes by the time the election rolls around and the optics of pushing obviously damaged goods–especially after losing to the same spray-tanned dictator with LOL Hilldawg–could really be an extinction level event.


I mean if you want to talk about doing ineffective things over again, the reaction to Clinton losing was for voters to double down on navel-gazing, say “the most important thing is defeating Trump” and nominate Joe Biden in an attempt to regress to the Obama years. I don’t see why Biden losing would be different. The institutional problems with the Democratic Party aren’t perceived by most voters, in their minds it’s “get the right guy and it’ll be 2008 all over again”.

If the Left were able to convince voters of the need for an ideological shift, Bernie would win. I don’t really see any argument that convincing voters that a new leftist party is needed is going to be easier than convincing them that a leftist candidate is needed. Given the ideological cluelessness of the average voter, even if a new party did arise, it would probably be some billionaire-led nightmare in the mould of Perot. It’s more likely in this climate that voters would cohere around a leadership figure than around an ideology. This is even true of Bernie to some extent, a big part of it for a lot of voters is that they see him personally as a sincere individual.

I don’t pretend to know a lot about the Whigs, but going the route of getting an insurgent nominated for President would have been a lot more difficult without the capacity for mass national communication and fundraising etc. Likewise, there are challenges to replacing the Democratic Party that did not exist then, basically the power of the Party as an institution and its alignment with the interests of the media class and of capital.

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Avoiding a debate about positive v normative statements I’ll put it like this:

To name just one of the policies, M4A is super popular and a huge chunk of Biden voters want it. There’s the broad coalition. They shouldn’t be voting for Biden. But they are. Liz should be dropping out to at least educate the people on who they should vote for if they want m4a. But she’s not.

But that’s not compelling to you because you think this shouldn’t have happened to Liz, that it’s absurd and unfair. But it did. She should be the overwhelming favorite, or at least fighting against Bernie, pragmatist v idealist or whatever, with all the jokers sitting on the sidelines. But she’s not.

And I agree! It’s all fucked up. Does my previous post make more sense now?


Nah it’s to send a single to the DNC that people are fed up with their bullshit, that their existing behavior is unacceptable, and that they can’t continue stifling the progressive wing in this country and expect everyone to fall in line because Republicans are worse.

People did that in 2016. They don’t care. The DNC would rather have Trump than anyone who threatens their power structure.