THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

It’s not obvious - this attitude and kind of talk is what gets people to sit out elections. I’m asking you to stop it. It isn’t good or beneficial to anybody.

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Again I am no expert but I am not sure that would fly. I suspect that would still be considered working and require a permit.

my citizenship certificate would count as showing right to work in canada, correct?

I think you need one of three things

Work permit
Permanent resident card
Be a citizen.

It is obvious and I’m not lying to people or condescending to them by assuming they can’t figure out whether or not voting down ballot matters.

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You don’t think your vote matters, at a minimum symbolically, when counting popular vote?

It does.


But if true, then I do sincerely hope you find what you’re looking for there. To each their own.

Symbolically? It’s almost a tautology that a symbolic impact is not an impact, but any indirect impacts are not obvious whether you’re talking about abstaining or voting outside the two shitty parties.

They know Americans well.

So I’d be fine. My husband would have some work to do though.

Not in politics. Symbolism matters. It matters that trump won the electoral college but lost the popular vote. It generates political will.

The symbolism is not voting for either.

What has the effect been?

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Running up the score in blue states and highlighting how broken the system is seems like a good play imo.


Does she live anywhere near Montreal? I’m like 97 percent sure that’s where I’m going.

Maybe. That’s very speculative. A third party or write in candidate getting votes also highlights the broken system. It also shows the Parties that they can’t take everyone for granted.

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Yeah, makes sense. Decline in union power generally might be a big factor there, or maybe going off the gold standard, idk. Lot of things happened in the 70s.

More broadly, though, investment works. That is to say, historically it returns greater than inflation. That is to say, it moves wealth from the non-investor (working) class to the investor class. The only tool the state has to mitigate this effect (which needs mitigating because too high a disparity carries guillotine risk) is redistribution, which it can do by taxing or spending. The choices of whom to tax how much and how much to spend on the poors (directly or via programs) determine the level if inequality. So that’s why I place a lot of blame on Reagan’s changes to the tax code for the Dickensian shit we’re in now, although it’s obviously more complicated than that.

And by very speculative, I mean VERY speculative. The electoral college isn’t going anywhere soon.

A lot of people are pissed of about the electoral college, including many on this forum. It has also been widely discussed in the media as a possible weak spot in American democracy.

This drives political will which is what makes people vote!

It’s better to have trump win the popular vote because a bunch of people who didn’t get their way choose to sit out?

Apparently to corrupt system is why many of you liked Bernie but now you question a chance to demonstrate that corruption by running up the score on blue states.