THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

We’ve argued whether it’s right or not but the fact is a decent number of Sanders voters will not be voting for Biden in the general. There’s no way to overcome that when things have to go almost perfectly.

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He will be brought low.

He’s not going to be able to finish his presidency. The DNC is going to pick his replacement, just like they fucked up with Shrillary.

I dont disagree. That doesnt change the fact he will probably win the nomination and at that point it will be imperative to vote for him. Regardless of who the dems put up in November, the ultimate vote will be binary. If you decide that not voting for Joe is the best option because he isn’t the best candidate, then yes, you will be partially to blame, whether you want to own it or not.


If you don’t live in a swing state your vote doesn’t matter. That’s just a fact. Guilt tripping people about meaningless votes is just empty. If there’s any symbolic value to a vote it could certainly be argued that not voting for either of the two shity parties makes the best statement.


I’ts hot/cold game inside the Matrix. As long as we’re cold everything is “normal” as they act out the kayfabe. Get a little too close to the curtain the thieves are hiding behind? The sirens go off and they morph into Agent Smiths rushing out of every plaster crack and air duct. The most depressing part is that most people are basically Flatlanders and only see a singular east-west conflict against Trump but not the north-south one that guarantees that this cycle repeats in perpetuity.

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I predict his father will end up running the end of his campaign under indictment for some bogus corruption charge.

My vote does not matter for pres but it does for other offices the GOP holds.

Might write in for pres and than vote in the close races for dems and do third party for races that dont matter.

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I just hope that if Biden gets the nomination, Bloomberg plows a ton of money into his campaign (to whatever extent it’s legal - maybe he can run his own ads or something?). I prefer Bernie over Biden, but if Biden goes up against Trump, I want him to get all the support possible.

(I’m assuming Bloomberg wouldn’t help Bernie out, but I guess you never know)

Great, looking forward to it! In any reasonable country, the billions he is about to corruptly accept from Bloomer alone would be grounds to lock him up immediately.

To a normal person, it seems extremely odd that the Ds would choose an incoherent senile old man with a shitty track record as their candidate. But in reality, that is the perfect empty vessel through which to flow their power arrangements, corruption and Machevelian dealings.

How easy would it be for a successful freight broker who doesn’t need a Canadian job and his nurse wife to immigrate to Canada? Asking for a friend lol.

I’m no expert. :slight_smile:

This does give me a chance to tell my favourite weird Canadian immigration story.

My sister in law is American and they moved here for a couple years. When she got her permanent resident card it listed two jobs, and only two jobs, you were not allowed to do;

Sex worker


Having a nurse as a partner is a real advantage for you, everyone needs nurses.

It matters down ballot. What a silly/irresponsible post man. Cmon you know better.

Hi Inso0, always a treat to see you blindly charge into a field full of rakes. I secured citizenship in another country after the last election and am only waiting for some family issus to settle out before I leave.


And I don’t need a work permit. Yeah I expect exfiltrating from this shit show if it gets bad to be pretty easy.

Why wouldn’t you need a work permit?

Of the few positive thoughts I’ve had, one of the grimmest was “at least the Dem won’t have all of the billionaire money arrayed against him in the fall.”

I didn’t say anything about down ballot and that is really obvious. I’m talking about the presidential vote. I didn’t even talk about not voting at all. I was talking about voting for other people. And this is all very obvious. I would think you would know better. Nothing I said even came close to implying that you shouldn’t vote down ballot. Obviously.

If people are going to be condescending to me, they at least should be correct.


Because I’m an independent contractor whose business is an agency for a company in Utah. I work from home 100% of the time and I can work from anywhere. My employer, if you want to call it that, is a Delaware S corp that I own all the stock in.