THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Okay not to go on too far of a tangent, but those kinds of disqualified answers leave me infuriated but also like well, if you don’t know the difference, that actually is a very wrong answer

Too little too late. He should’ve been running stuff like this months ago.

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The best we’ve got.

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I kinda think the wild Biden senior moments are going to be a thing that gets talked about but ultimately doesn’t matter because no one really cares all that much. Kind of like how Trump constantly makes an ass of himself and it doesn’t cost him any support.


If you’re not going to be a legal resident it’s probably better to go to Thailand or something and pay cash for health care.

I mean the good thing is most voters are old people and old people have senior moments and forget and forgive other old people’s senior moments, so when it comes down to it they’re going to walk into the voting booth and be like, shit I like that guy who talked about record players, I think it was about listening to them while eating with the cereal and the corn.

But damn, was that Biden or Trump? I don’t remember. I’ll just flip a coin. Oh damn, I forgot my wallet at home. Why do I always forget my wallet? Eenie, meanie, miney, moe…

He makes an ass of himself but he’s a racist and says aggressive dumb stuff that his supporters like.

What are the good things from Joe that we get in exchange for just ignoring the fact that he has dementia?

I really don’t think Bernie has any choice but to empty the clip with these Biden videos, then at the end say: And here’s what Bernie wants: universal healthcare, Biden wants insurance companies. Social security, which Biden wants to cut. Cancellation of student loan debt, which exists because Biden himself passed the law that it could not be discharged in bankruptcy.

No more just hammering policy. He has to hammer Biden specifically and show the world what a joke this guy is.

Not only that, but he should send a letter to his supporters that he’s going to blow through the entirety of his budget with ad buys in next Tuesday’s states. If the results there are good, he’s going to need massive donations from everyone on Tuesday so we can do it all again. Get us ready for this.

This is game 5 of the World Series and Bernie is down 3-1. Use all the starters, we’re just trying to make Game 6 and if we do we’ll go at it with whatever is left.


I agree, but if it doesn’t work, he needs to drop out after 3/17.

Is it ok to blame Bernie voters who absolutely refuse to vote for anybody else?

Yes, exactly. Next Tuesday is the end of the line. It’s a must-win. Get us ready for huge donations if he binks it, but we’re off the hook if he doesn’t. Get everyone calling, texting, flying to these states and braving coronavirus. Get volunteers bringing pizza to every single polling station later in the day. If this works, we go again. If it doesn’t, it’s over.

I live in the same county as the guy that had to wait 7 hours. Really glad the story is blowing up. Everybody in Texas should early vote and not on the first or last day. Still leaves about 8 days including a Saturday. I had no line last thurs in a majority black district. Turn out is going to be massive for 2020 and everybody that can early vote should.

It’s truly astonishing how little organization / campaign / ground game matters. The media has way, way, way too much power.


No i think dems will harm it too just not as much. The green new deal is not enough for me.

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It matters in caucuses and early, small states. Then you get to Super Tuesday and it’s basically irrelevant, because you have around a week to really gear up for it and there are just too many voters to impact with ground game.

Social media could be the ground game of the future, if Democrats and especially progressives would learn how to harness it.

I mean, I’m still reluctantly voting for Biden over Trump even if he rambles on about the time he saved Nelson Mandela from getting assaulted by Corn Pop because I’m more worried about shit like abortion becoming illegal than having a POTUS who isn’t senile. I kinda feel like there aren’t a lot of voters for whom this will be a deal breaker just like none of the Republicans really cared about Trump being an embarrassing clown every day.

Certainly it didn’t stop Biden from crushing Sanders even though everyone knows he’s suffering from borderline dementia and confusing his wife with his sister.


Well, your argument is compelling but after last night I think mine is as well. They came out in droves to Save The Party, CultPete TeamPete and the legion of house negroes black voters Malcolm himself would be proud of and all the rest.

Look fat, you can blame who ever you want. I’ll just call you a horse faced pony soldier liar if you try to pin Trumps second general election win on Bernie when the Dems ran two of the worst possible candidates against him.

*Not body shaming you if you happen to be overweight. Just highlighting how utterly bad Joe Biden is and will be between now and Nov 3rd. The guy is a walking gaffe machine with an atrocious record and all blame should be on him and those who propped him up.


Bloomberg out and endorsed Biden. Probably a Super Packer now.