THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

The Gervais theory is solid. I don’t think Bernie is a sociopath and while it might not be absolutely impossible for a non-sociopath to become POTUS, it may well be. In the long run, the only way to minimize the impact of these sociopaths, is to fight the concentration of power always. Always always oppose power.

I will definitely entertain Mexico or one of the other Mexicos when I get the chance, but that might be impossible while kids are in college and then my mom and in-laws might need me around for a while too.

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There are so many Mexicos to choose from!


Almost feels like the Democratic Party is in on the fix.

They are fine with Trump getting re-elected. It’s good interference for all the shady shit both parties do at the behest of the real levers of power.

The Democratic Party is incompetent, complicit or most likely, both.


Well what about that New one? I hear that’s all the rage among the Mexicos.


“I gamble for a living, but was hoping you’d let me in to join in on your welfare programs as a backup plan.”

That may not be the most effective sales pitch on your application.

Maybe if you put Negreanu down as a reference?


The game theory play is to do whatever gives AOC or other Justice Dems the best chance of running in relatively free and fair elections in the future, while continuing to primary shitty establishment Dems and take over the party that way. First we have to take over the party from within as much as possible so that the establishment is at least partially true non-corporate progressives, then AOC has a shot in a primary.

The problem is if Trump wins in 2020, there is a very real chance (like way over 50% imo) that there will never be another winnable presidential election.

This is a great post.

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As we’ve seen over the last few days the incompetence theory is out the window and I personally feel like a fucking rube for subscribing to it for so long. There is no dichotomy, it’s literally the same team with two different mascots.


Part of it is the donor class overlapping quite a bit, part is that most of these people are rich and Bernie wants to raise their taxes, but right out in front is: who is a bigger threat to their position? How is Schumer most likely to lose his Senate seat? To a Republican or by getting primaried?


In fucking credible

I mean, it all comes down to whether we can win Wisconsin or Arizona, right? Arizona has a Republican governor and secretary of state. We’re never winning that one if it’s the tipping point state IMO as a result, they’ll find a way to fix it. So that leaves Wisconsin, which is leaning more Republican than it was in 2016 due to increased voter registration from Republicans and a shift in that direction because it’s very white.

Current RCP polling averages in Wisconsin:

Trump 46.7
Sanders 45.7

Trump 46
Biden 44.3

Trump’s lead was bigger against the other Democrats still in the field.

So the notion that any D easily beats Trump is absurd to me.

I would award the presidency to whoever is the current reigning winner of Jeopardy: POTUS of Champions Tournament.

Contestants do no actual governing. They only appear on the show and answer questions as usual. Strangely, everyone likes to leave the politics category for last, except Bloomberg, who paid $700 million to know where the Daily Doubles are located (no one actually told him, but he believes he merely forgot and so refuses to admit the mistake).

Rather than debates, the game show moderator peppers the contestants with inane personal questions between rounds.

The real meat is in asking each contestant questions any politician should be able to answer and no one thinks to ask, “What is a tariff?”

There are no term limits. If you continue to win, you continue to serve. Jeopardy maintains the same filming schedule of roughly four episodes per day, so really, if you can make it four years, you deserve it.

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Ken Jennings would be a great POTUS!!


Biden would make it to final Jeopardy but would stop halfway through and be like aw well I was gonna answer, but it looks like I’m about to run out of time. Can I still buy a vowel?

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Ok seriously people (and you can tell because I didn’t type ‘srsly’) am I getting Berenstaein Beared here or what? A few months ago the consensus was even Liz’s dog beats trump but then they started crowing about Muh Electability as an attack on Bernie and know everybody just accepts the new reality?

Your conscience is an idiot


I mean, I’d be paying lots of taxes to fund their welfare program, and I’d have 10 years of tax returns to prove it, but whatever, it’s a moot point. After further reading, it seems “self-employed” only applies to professional athletes and famous artists.

So I guess I’d apply for immigration as a programmer or math teacher, maybe even find employment if I had to, then quit and play poker soon after.

Biden: “I’ll take ‘Cereal’ for $200.”

Trebek: “This yellow, sugar-coated cereal made by Kellogg’s takes its name from a verb you use when pressing bubble wrap with your fingers.”


Trebek: “Joe.”

Biden: “What is Corn Pop?”

Trebek: “Sorry. The correct answer is ‘What is Corn Pops?’”


They’ve conducted some polls in Wisconsin over the last couple months…