THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Unfortunately as much as we like to pretend to be a socialist utopia it is really hard to immigrate here.

I’m not saying there’s no difference, but on the other hand and this is really true, just suggesting that authoritarian right-wing rule is a possible future is not right either. Yes, it can get worse, but perpetual war, the surveillance state and mass incarceration are part of the authoritarian right wing rule that we already have. Surrender to this or it will get worse might not be the best game theory play.



Some of us are unskilled dirtbags with enough poker $ from 2010 to semi-retire but not enough to buy property in Spain to do so. So leaving involves leaving for governments that might be worse but in locations where our privilege is greater.

Mexico and Thailand are on the top of my list, probably Thailand because I can make enough teaching English to cover my bills.

You guys are gonna be putting American families in camps on the border soon.


The shitty thing is our immigration is merit based so all the highly educated rich white dudes will be welcomed but the people who will be really hurt will be denied (unless it gets bad enough they can make a refugee claim!)

People have been making these empty threats for 20 years. I think the only person to actually follow through on a, “Fuck your politics, I’m leaving the country” threat was Madonna.

Oh yeah lotta American refugees trying to get to Canada in the near future.

My sister moved to Singapore after W. When she broke her leg she never even got a bill.

Ohhhh, ok, yeah, I’m in the very small minority that believes any D easily beats trump. Joe even let that one slip and this ST outcome really proves it! They will vote for a potted plant or an inanimate carbon rod if animated enough and trump fits that bill more now than 2016.

That’s what makes this so frustrating. The oh-noez-trump narrative is pure bullshit!

So that’s why I’m on Team Brought Low.

Oh wow. How long are you gonna last here?

Anyway, I pretty much decided on staying out of America for a long time for political and practical reasons. So yeah, I did it.

It’s a wide open border and not even illegal to cross. About 200k people live in Canada without legal residency. That’s like 50% of the population.



I’d never really thought about that before. Do we have lots of people living here without permanent residency? I have no idea. I don’t think I have ever met anyone.

Is this a joke?

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Already talked about it with my husband. Looking up Canada’s immigration process as we speak.

I see one route is “Immigrate as a person self-employed in cultural activities or athletics.” I don’t know if they’d accept Poker as a cultural activity.

I won’t bring it up in casual conversation, eh.

So after reading the Gervais theory of power posted here, I posited that the Dirty Ds were all very obviously sociopaths and that Bernie was either a. a sociopath as well or b. Not a sociopath but would be eaten alive by the sociopaths circling him from all directions. Neither good.

Even I couldn’t have imagined b. playing out as blatantly and obviously as it did. Anyway, the takeaway is that Gervais is right, our reality is dictated and determined by a bunch of sociopaths. Enjoy!

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But do they have access to that sweet Commie healthcare?

No I honestly have no idea. I’ve never read a story about it or heard it brought up in a discussion once here. I talk politics all the time with friends and honestly don’t think I’ve ever talked about this issue in Canada.

Edit. Actually I do remember some dumb scare tactic story when Somalia people were fleeing trump and coming to Canada.

Nope, I’ve been in Mexico for 2+ years.

BTW, Mexico is freakin’ awesome and has a wide variety of solid options to live in that would suit most needs. I’ve been in Mexico City most of this time and wouldn’t think about living the USA. It’s my favorite city in the western hemisphere (Montreal is #2 and San Francisco #3).

Mexico also has the added benefit of being quite easy to live in from a visa perspective. I get 180 days on arrival, leave before the 180 days on a vacation, come back and get a fresh 180 days, no questions asked. I think I’m on my 6th 180 days stint.

If a thread pops up, I’d be glad to go into more detail, but Mexico is way safer than you’ve been led to believe and has a lot of large cities, smaller towns, beach cities, etc. that make great places to live.