THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Bernie will campaign like a dog for the dem nominee, just like he did last time. He will encourage his supporters to do the same. What argument are you making here?

Young people not getting enough hate, tbh.


The whole discussion seems kind of naive. What is the benefit to Elizabeth Warren of dropping out of the race now? I mean, who knows what the negotiations are like, but if she’s got a valuable holdout position, she probably expects to be bought out of it with something she wants. Part of the problem with being an insurgent is that the party isn’t going to bully the dead-enders out of the race on your behalf.

She makes the things she professes to want more likely to happen.


Bernie doesn’t even support slavery reparations.

He could have announced a black Vice President.

He should both now.

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Considering Biden isn’t even capable of maintaining a normal campaign schedule or any sort of campaign infrastructure, he’s basically going to have to rely on the other Dem candidates to run for him during the general. Pete and Bloomberg’s teams will probably be his entire campaign infrastructure and Bernie will probably have to do most of the actual campaigning for him.


Jefferson Sessions and The Auburn Coach headed to a runoff

Morpheus voice: What if I told you that her career as a politician is more important to her than policy outcomes?


I’ve already explained it, elsewhere. Bernie has not built any meaningful alliances within the party in 30 years, despite having a significant support from dem constituents. There is no evidence he has even tried. Evidently he got his feelings hurt when Warren implied he was sexist. It’s stupid and naive to think he could win a primary without allies in the party. That should have been one of his top priorities, positioning himself with key potential allies like Warren, so he had some defense against moderates. Even Trump knew he had to bargain with the establishment and worked to get support within the party. That failure is on Bernie.


:snake: :snake: :snake:

The reason you keep trying to make this point and why people continue to ignore it is because the things you’re saying are obvious nonsense. I hope this saves you some keystrokes in the future.

I have some news for you about Bernie Sanders. You may want to sit down for this…

Pardon me my ignorance of primary protocol, but in terms of dropping out, at that point it doesn’t matter, right? The most delegates wins.

I don’t find the argument compelling that playing it out hurts the party or the candidate, and telling people to support Biden in the general seems to be a separate affair.

I think the part you and others are missing is that many of us live in blue strongholds and we resent that our votes don’t count nearly as much as a Wyomingian, whether that vote is to support or protest or abstain. It’s part of the calculus to consider when dealing with “fuck that I ain’t voting”.

And fwiw, last time I shouted Hillary from the rooftops after the convention and advised my fellow dirtbags to simmer down. I really don’t know how I’ll feel this time, but I get it.

Hell I’m in the Czech Republic over the US. It’s definitely a CR with its share of problems but not America-sized problems. Like people here know how to do healthcare, pensions, maternity leave, general workers rights type of stuff. No question the current generation here will end up better off than the previous ones.

If the NYT’s delegate estimate for the end of Super Tuesday is accurate, Bernie should either drop out now or give himself one more debate and one group of elections after that, then drop out assuming he hasn’t massively turned the race.

They’re forecasting 670-589. There will be 2,473 delegates left. If it goes head to head after Super Tuesday, Bernie will need to win 1402/2473 delegates to get a majority, that’s 56.7% and obviously a pipe dream.

To get a plurality, he needs to win 82 more delegates than Biden. That’s 1,278/2,473 or 51.6%. That sounds like it can be done, but he’s already had his best big state to run up the score, keeping in mind that he’s going to lose states and lose some of them BIG like SC, his wins need to start being in the 55-45, 60-40, 65-35 range.

So essentially what I’m saying is, Bernie has no shot barring a sea change among the electorate, and he should give himself one more debate to stand up for his issues and try to make that happen, and if he cannot, he should attempt to get concessions from Biden in exchange for not dragging this out. Maybe a couple progressive cabinet secretaries or something. Maybe some sort of structural change in the party that helps the Jessica Cisneros’ of the world.

Regardless of whether he gets any of that, he should then drop out. If he doesn’t, the criticisms that he cost Biden the election will be somewhat valid - he’ll definitely cost him votes in November by dragging this thing out. There will be a million other reasons Biden loses, but he’ll be one of them.


She gets to die a warrior’s death fighting alongside Bernie for what she believes in?

I legitimately can’t tell this morning how much of how terrible I feel is due to the hangover and how much of it is due to the depression I feel over the state of this race and our country. Joe Fucking Biden guys??? Really? The guy who ran a horrible campaign, is facing severe cognitive decline, has literally zero campaign infrastructure and has raised and spent no money somehow is now the darling of the party?

I don’t get it.


Bernie dropping out now would be like Biden dropping out in October because he’s down in the polls against Trump.

The point of Warren dropping out to help Bernie has nothing to do with anyone’s right to keep campaigning, but trying to find the most likely way to get someone who isn’t shit in the White House.


This is pure nonsense.


I never said Bernie should drop out now. That would be dumb. I’m taking about once it’s looks hopeless.

My constant theme the last few days has been simple. Once one dem stands, no matter who it is, every progressive should vote for them.