THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

I guess you could charitably argue that you’re merely being disingenuous here but I’m a simple man and I don’t draw much of a distinction between the two. You straight up lied in the other thread.

This is one of those spots where we can look at what people were saying would happen and what actually happened and see that they’re the same thing. Warren either knows exactly what she’s doing or she’s much, much dumber than you all say she is. It’s a toss up for me, but like, come on


You’re entirely missing the argument. If Bernie loses then Liz tells herself that USA#1 wasn’t ready. If he wins then her vision was personally rejected.

It’s not possible she thinks she would be the best candidate? You know in the exact same way you think Bernie would be the best candidate and should never drop out including a floor battle at the conference.

This would make sense if the two weren’t the two most closely aligned politicians in the Democratic Party in terms of policy. Her policy vision and his are basically the same.

I’d be a better candidate than Bernie! But I’m not in a position to win Prez Of USA#1 so I support Bernie because he’s the closest to my beliefs. That’s how it works!


what in the mother fuck

Bernie not getting enough the blame here.

please proceed

The talks of Bernie fighting it out at the convention were in a scenario where Bernie had a lead in delegates and votes but not a 50%+1 majority.

It’s not remotely similar to bricking the first 4 primaries then finishing third in your home state on Super Tuesday and then having your campaign talk about your “building momentum”. There are roughly 3,000 delegates left to win and Warren needs 1,941 of them to win the nomination for fuck’s sake.

Said people worried about Bernie and his supporters sitting out helping trump.

Sure, but that would also mean that she was too dumb to see the writing on the wall. Like Romney 2012 levels of dumbness. Which is a narrative I’m fine with, but I think one that you’d push back on.

I think it makes sense precisely because they’re the two most closely aligned politicians in the Democratic Party in terms of policy, so maybe we’re not understanding each other.

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Even if she does, she has no path to victory.

I’m sure everybody who got to the debates thought they were the best candidate for the job. But when they had no shot at winning, they swallowed their pride and dropped out.

Warren has no shot to win but hasn’t dropped out. There’s an obvious reason why.

As for Warren being progressive? No. She pivoted to the establishment after demonstrating some progressive views to suck people in early on. Bernie is the only true progressive in the race.

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Yea I wouldn’t support Bernie trying to fight it out at the convention without a plurality of delegates the same way I didn’t in 2016. It wouldn’t be productive.

Costa Rica is nice. I’ve spent a lot of time there. That’s probably where I’ll go if/when I decide to check out.

Not playing dirty enough. Not trying to cheat. Always taking the high road. Needed to be more like Kevin Spacey and Alonzo in Training Day and less like Bernie Sanders.

Should have done more to woo black voters.

he now needs to go at Hunter Biden the crackhead

One thing he could do now would be to trip Biden and maybe he breaks his neck

I respect you and I see your point in the big picture.

My issue is with the hypocrisy of so many of the Bernie supporters.

Two months from now let’s say Biden has the delegates locked up. At that point there will be two dems left and trump. While obviously less aligned on policy than Bernie/Warren, Bernie/Biden will be the most closely aligned politically.

Will you be calling for him to drop out and tell all his supporter to vote for Biden?

I just covered the “woo black voters” bullshit upthread.

As for the rest,