THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Actually, Bernie should have dropped out (or, really, never run in the first place) and endorsed Warren. That comes off like a troll post, but it’s true.


He tried to do that in 2016.

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If Bernie runs as a 3rd party in the general I might see the resemblance, otherwise, no I don’t see the ironing.

r u fucken srs


Read this again and tell me you are being rational. Who exists sorely to fuck over Bernie?

Fuck yeah. Falling into despair and quitting is what they’re counting on. Not happening.

We should get a Milwaukee thread going. I’d be honored to learn what tear gas smells like with many of you guys and gals.


Warren obviously. She’s in to split the progressive vote which weakens Sanders.

She literally has no path to winning. You have to be smart enough to see this, right?

If I didn’t have kids I’d be gone to Costa Rica or something. Once they graduate high school, I’m out.

And to Cuse’s point somewhere, the Sanders agenda would cost me millions in my lifetime. I’m just completely out of energy to fight on behalf of morons who can’t even show up to vote their own self interest.


You honestly think Warrens goal is to prevent Bernie from winning not because she thinks she would make the best candidate?

r u sure

Well, Bernie is neck and neck with Biden in a sane world. In this world the brokered convention needs to be accounted for. But still, a tight race. That’s why it’s the opposite of ironic. If Liz even halfway believes what she claims to, she drops out now and helps Bernie win.


She’s too much of a risk to Biden for the Secret Service to allow it.

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Now Warren doesn’t believe what she has said for decades because she is part of some ploy to deny Bernie?

Bloomberg, then Biden now Warren.

Come on guys this cult of personality is sounding a little too familiar.

As I said before, Bernie would be my choice but I am not willing to burn the world down because I don’t get it.

Why can’t you stop lying Clovis?


As of very, very recently, yes. It’s the last thing that will save her legacy, in her mind. The same way Bernie exposes Obama’s lack of audacity.

Next up on this all hits weekend we play the classic “fake news” by resident funny man Donald J Trump.

You’re literally lying. You lied about me in the Trump thread and you’re lying now. Why?

She has been one of the most progressive public figures for decades but now she is saving her legacy by helping a centrist win?

Does she even know Biden or have any connection to the inner DNC?

When the rubber meets the road it really meets the road. This is it.

I’m still holding out hope that Bernie can take this, especially now that it’s a two person race. Just a hearty LOL to anyone who still supports warren, and anyone who voted for her in a Super Tuesday state. Look at the results and despair.