It’s been a strategy for many decades for Southern states to vote early and in a bloc to maximize their importance.
Its very random who’s ahead on which states results right now. NYT way ahead on Minn. results.
These are not terrible results for Bernie. Which state he is likely to lose did you guys have him winning?
It’s not winner take all, so the margins matter a lot.
MA and ME? I wasn’t following too closely because I assumed this was not even possible it would be this close.
And he is getting delegates in every southern state and going to win every other state. That is a win based on where we were 6 hours ago. 0% of San antonio in for texas which should be massive Bernie territory. He is going to win pretty big there.
Exit polls have TX tied. There’s not going to be the sort of crushing there that Bernie would need to change the narrative.
If Biden wins MN and MA, that’s terrible news for Bernie.
Since when did Bernie have to crush in Texas? Winning at all is solid. He has to crush in California.
He is going to win these.
Maine’s a coin flip with 25% in.
Bernie and Biden very close with Bloomberg at 20% is not a good result for Bernie.
0% of houston in which is 10x bigger than SA
No. It isn’t. It’s both partially in (split equally) and not 10x bigger than SA.
It does kinda nuke the narrative that Bernie is driving the higher turnout though.
That’s sort of the point though. None of this is a win based on where we were two days ago.
Texas is going pretty well, but winning by a few percentage points isn’t a huge difference in delegates. We need California to come through in a big way.
How the fuck did Joe Biden go from having no chance to completely crushing just because he won South fucking Carolina? Jesus Joseph and doggy style Mary. fml.