THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

It might actually be true that convention shenanigans bringing Clinton back is more likely than Bloomberg winning.

Remember these people are going to the mat for Biden. They would love to bring Hill back.

When a lane was cleared for him, when the DNC directly started asking candidates to drop out to help stop Bernie, and they dropped out and endorsed the doddering fool, people started to see what Bernie was up against.

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Jesus y’all are hammering the server right now. The site would be basically unusable if we hadn’t upgraded hosting.


In these trying times I find comfort seeing


Bernie binks Colorado!

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really? how much are you spending per month?

Bernie also won OK in 2016

Yeah. I mean I recognize that I’m in the minority here because I favor Sanders but am also totally fine with Biden, or really any current candidate except Tulsi Gabbard. Fuck Tulsi Gabbard.


Feeling doom again. Bernie is making a solid run at getting a plurality and not getting the nomination. He has to be getting over 50% in a bunch of states, not just VT and even CA won’t help him enough.



I wonder why PI has Texas for Biden. That doesn’t seem to be the way it is leaning right now.

If Biden is the nominee, I’m tuning out until I show up to vote on November 3rd


I’m ~ok with Biden, except he will lose to Trump


damn, $40 seems like a lot. docker?

Predictit is full of morons. The map was completely red after Bernie won in NV and now they’re overreacting after Biden won SC.

To that end I just finally became a patron.


CNN Calls TN for Biden.

True, but so does Sanders.

Mini mike gonna endorse Biden tomorrow :+1: know your enemy I guess

So CNN only calling Biden states while refusing to call Colorado?