THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Wait CNN still has Colorado too close to call? Lmao

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Dude he obliterated him in exactly one place. One place where Bernie also gets delegates.

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Lol this dude is just styling on Terry mcLOLiffe


Also southern state primaries are almost over. This is Biden’s one shot outside of ratfucking. This is looking good for a Bernie 100+ delegate lead. Biden has no chance to come back from that with the future map.


Agree he has been super impressive. Terry is an embarrassment to humanity and a literal albatross around the neck of Poli Sci majors everywhere.


I guess it depends how you set your expectations. Two days ago Bernie was 1 in 3 to win NC according to PredictIt, Biden is winning it by 12 points, but that is “underperforming” according to 538’s results page because of how high the expectations were set right on the eve of the vote.

How many hours of results behind is that.

In the good news dept turnout appears way up from 2016. Turnout in VA was 1.3 million versus 765k in 2016.


Biden winning Minnesota

We think about 20% of votes have been counted. (Based on 3,040,291 votes.) Last model run: 6:16 p.m.

Biden isn’t up 12 in NC without using stale results. But please carry on. Anything in single digits in the South is a win foe Bernie.

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He’s up 12 points. DDHQ is well ahead of Fox.

You made me look and the first face I see is the Beast.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Give me comfort food!!!

Wichita you need to step back from the ledge.

Yes fox is ahead on Texas results for some reason. But they are behind on all other states.

These are terrible results for Bernie no matter how you spin it. He can still maybe turn it around if he wins Texas and Cali.

Actually they’re now behind in Texas results too.

Democracy Now giving me hope talking about the Sanders ground game in Texas. Hope the current lead holds.

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DDHQ now ahead of Fox on TX as well. Bernie’s lead holding strong.

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Don’t need healthcare if you’re dead

Guy tapping head