THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Does a candidate who wins some delegates get to decide who they give them to at the convention?

The results are selective but the butthurt is starting to get real!

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These results also available via the AP if you don’t want to give clicks and refreshes to the devil.

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It’s complicated.

60k now.

Predictit has Biden favored to win NY now? Wtf? Really?

Can’t wait to have her on the debate stage muddying things up. At least she’ll probably attack Biden.

Laughing at how long CNN is going to delay results to spin this as JOEMENTUM rather than hey Joe won some southern states he was always going to win. It’s amazing.

Does anyone know if Bernie has even tried to reach out to Warren to get her to drop out? He obviously needs to be doing that.

Arizona should be correlated w/ Texas. Hispanics might save us.

He has not.


Im guessing Warren wants to be vice president in hopes that Biden dies.

heard smth earlier where the campaign said they didn’t reach out to her

CNN funeral vibe giving me a second wind!

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amy behind bloomberg in minnesota? but she’s never lost a race!

Bernie probably didn’t offer her the Pete golden parachute package.

He isn’t just winning them though, he’s obliterating Sanders. It’ll still be a good night for him overall unless Bernie crushes California.

Can we have AOC do a bunch of commercials just strafing Biden’s smug face with his history? Like eight different commercials playing on loop in next week’s states?

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seriously, wtf? Every Bernie supporter should be just as mad at Bernie for not making the effort if that’s true.