THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat



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Hey CNN finally up to speed on the Texas results!

In Canada there use to be a media blackout as different regions closed. It got killed in 2015 though.

The real takeaway is Bernie probably leads after tonight. Warren prevented him from having a huge night. And also LFG.


To add a note of optimism to this, I’m convinced that a truly progressive candidate can win now. It may not be Bernie himself, but the Overton Window has shifted considerably, and that shift will only continue as demographics change.

Media types were pretty positive toward Warren this cycle, for example. I think there’s already a sweet spot for a progressive who doesn’t scare the establishment too much. Like, if you could engineer someone with Bernie’s policies and likability and removed the scary label and the history with Hillary folks, you have an exceptionally strong candidate. Someone like that will emerge soon. I don’t know how soon, but it’s coming.


Every state but VT and TX atm.

Will Warren even be ahead of Pete after tonight? Jesus Christ.

I don’t know if there’s any way to measure this, but I would bet the effect is quite strong. Particularly in an election like this with a high percentage of late deciders.

predictit saying the texas results are just travis county

Mehdi Hasan on Democracy Now on PBS right now

Bernie yeah, Biden sure, Warren okay… but who the fuck are these people actually voting for Bloomberg.

I’m running dangerously low on likes for the day so I just want to say I appreciate you guys. Even Clovis. Not Iron81 though.


The NYT needle only has 17% of results, AP and Fox showing more like 30% in.

Cnn just posted sanders lead in Texas.

Stop giving me hope

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Man the mood on CNN has gone way down. That’s how you knows it’s good.


Eh I’ll even say it–Iron I think your takes are complete shit but I appreciate you too.


Love the avatar change.


This got me to switch to CNN. Thanks!

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Bernie up 50k now in Texas per foxnews fair and balanced results.

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