THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Lol cnn right now talking about Biden expecting to win Texas.

Needle has Biden +4 in Texas. Not worth getting hopes up

DDHQ has exactly 36,094 votes for both Biden and Sanders in Harris county (Houston). Mistake maybe?

Very very strong actual results for Bernie outside of VA.


Ship Texas, ship CA, take the lead, crush grandpa, win


lmao gg early voting


So how is Bernie doing relative to expectations?

where do i get the fastest results?

Something that everyone here agrees with you on. This is hilarious.


Fastest i have seen is fox newz. If someone has faster let me know.

How is foxnews so far ahead in results? I thought there were only 2 main sources?

Here, tbh.

Looks like Bernie needs some kind of blowout win in Texas to have any chance. I’m not optimistic.

Either meeting them or crashing and burning horrifically. Hard to say. Depends on how the next 4-5 hours go.

Jesus cnn now trying to say Bloomberg hurting Biden is only way sanders wins Texas.

Doesn’t take a rocket scientist. Look who crushed Virginia…

Looks like he might win Tennessee?

Pete was a lock to get delegates, if not win, TN, UT and ME for sure. Probably MA as well.

But foxnews is only ahead of DecisionDesk in Tx and not other states?

CNN literally now claiming Biden winning the vote in every state but VA when that isnt true in roughly half the states. What the fuck.