THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Lol Liz forever and always

I dont understand why we put so much stock in southern voters during the primarieis. We will NEVER win the southern states in the general. Ever!


And if you find the article and get just below the screenshot you see the actual quote:

"Millennials and Gen Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up, and we’re like, ‘The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change, and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?’ " she said.

So, Trumpkins and the tragically uninformed are using this for trolling.

I know that anyone with half a brain and half way to good faith knows that she is not saying she literally thinks the world is ending in 12 years.


Foxnews has more updated results than CNN and MSNBC. Because that is where we are jn this race.

CNN is actively reporting literally fake results.

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Lol. So now you’re hoping for a “rat-fucking” of Biden?


Somehow Biden wins them all on CNN where if you look elsewhere he is hardly winning anywhere it’s weird.


Bernie vs the DNC


If Biden wins he wins. He won’t beat Trump. Just need to somehow survive four more years and get AOC in 2024

I don’t understand your question.

Truly elite gifage right there. IFLYG :heart:

The voting situation in this country is third world dictator shit. Absolutely absurd.


Go to the bastion of fair and balanced foxnews website to see updated real results(was pointed out to me by a trumper and they were right).

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Holy shit lol… Fox News is actually wayyyy out in front. Amazing.

Bernie winning Texas 29% to 22 %(188K to 145K in raw votes).


Bernie could turn Texas blue and change the whole fucking election against Trump.


i must be on some cnn live stream delay lol

CNN keeping that primetime Joementum going!

Texas looking strong for Bernie, he is winning in the cities. Winning by 6 points in Tarrant county where Dallas is.

Nope you are live. You are getting sleepy. Verrry sleepppyyy. Watch the Wolf Blitzer verrry carwfullllyyyyy…


If we have to have superdelegates, THIS is what should be looked at. Who can possibly turn Texas? Or Florida? Who wins the rust belt? Who gives a shit about the SE