THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

As the night has gone out the needle shows Biden’s expected delegate lead growing and growing. He’s now expected to be ahead of Bernie after tonight

Is it possible for a massive grassroots movement or major Biden fuckup, before the convention, to cause delegates to vote against the primary results?

Yep. Too many early votes that were mailed the last few days that haven’t even been received yet.

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No, that isn’t possible

Bernie’s path was always a bit of a tightrope imo. Because of (a) his limited ceiling due to 2016 anger and sOcIaLiSm and (b) media types disliking him, he essentially needed a Trump-style scenario with other candidates splitting the vote for long enough. As soon as there was consolidation around another candidate, he was going to be in trouble.

Obviously, it’s amazing how suddenly that happened. Bernie was pretty damn close to getting the scenario he needed. But democratic voters still largely take cues from elites and the media as to what is acceptable, who has momentum, etc. Look at how many late deciders there are today. Look at the difference in the media narratives around Bernie/Biden in the early states. Can you imagine what the narrative would have been if Bernie had finished in 5th place somewhere? Or conversely, if Biden had won the early states? The consolidation would have happened immediately.

People are highly influenced by stories, and the media is still really powerful in shaping those stories on the left.


Theoretically or in reality? I thought delegates could vote against their state wishes but I could be wrong.

In reality

It’s very possible for delegates to vote against whoever wins the most pledged delegates, so long as it’s Bernie who wins the most pledged delegates. Otherwise, we’ve got to honor the results.

It just got mentioned in PBS that Bloomberg’s campaign hired vice chairs (?) of the state democratic parties in TX and CA… WHO ARE SUPERDELEGATES. How the fuck is it legal to have a super delegate on your fucking payroll??

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The headline is shown to be in bad faith even in that screenshot.

And welcome to Unstuck Politics.

So uh outside of VA Bernie is crushing Texas and competitive in some southern states.



I don’t see the problem here. The super delegates entire job in voting is to pick whoever the billionaires want to be the nominee. So this doesn’t seem like a conflict of interest whatsoever.


she is much, much better than trump, but she is also giving us 4 more years of trump.


Why not start organizing online for a massive protest at the dnc convention. Bring 250k plus people to storm the convention and demand a free vote of delegates.

40k votes up in Texas turn off CNN they are slowplaying the results to fit their narrative.


Where are you seeing this?

tenor (3)

She isn’t doing anything. She has 10% everywhere. If she drops out and her votes split 60/40 Bernie to Biden, it would give Bernie net +2. It’s not like Bernie just gets all her votes. The electorate is mostly clicking buttons and ideology is just weakly correlated with preference.

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It’s in the works. I’ll be there. Milwaukee is going to be lit

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