THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat


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Hidalgo County is 90% Latino. 35% of the population lives below the poverty line, and currently 1/3rd of its Dem primary voters have chosen Bloomberg.

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Biden had no money and no ground team.

Goes to show you that shit doesn’t matter. Sucks for all of those Bernie volunteers who worked so hard.


Mass extinction events often have multiple causes and contributing factors. If humanity goes extinct in the next few thousand years global warming has like a great chance of being a contributing factor.



Called it.

He had name recognition, which is probably the most important thing.

Essentially no one thinks that the Global Warming is going to cause human extinction, that’s a thing Trumpkins imagine AOC says because they are idiots.



I’ve been virulently against avatars and associated things, but tonight has done it for me.

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Ya this is silly fear mongering.

I am also feeling hopeless, but…a good showing in CA could leave Bernie still in the race. I would not give up yet. It sucks to go from the favorite to a significant underdog, but it’s still worth trying to maximize the equity left so long as it’s real equity. And there’s a good chance Bernie still has 10-20% equity after today. Hopefully his people will convince him to start blasting Biden.

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It’s not fear mongering, it’s bad faith trolling.

Biden would probably have to make a major mistake. But he’s one of the most likely candidates of all time to make one.


Remember Nevada. California should be more like Nevada than South Carolina.

CA has far more delegates than all states reported so far combined.

Joining tonight as well. Fuck.

He’s already made a few in this race, but they were too early to matter. He’s a gaffe machine.

Doesn’t California take forever to count? Media will show Joe ahead by a ton for a week and ignore it.

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He’s done nothing but make mistakes, doesn’t seem to be a problem so far

Here’s some good faith trolling:

I didn’t know USA Today was a ‘Trumpkin’…