THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Tulsi was born in American Samoa.

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Global warming won’t destroy the earth. It will mainly kill off poor people in like Bangladesh. It will be bad and destabilizing, but with enough warming the plants will be forced to shut down. As an example, China has produced significantly less CO2 during the coronavirus outbreak.

My buddy from college lives in Texas, texted me while in line to talk about the lines and tell me he was voting for Warren. I couldn’t convince him not to waste his vote. My other friend from college on the group chat is super anti-Bernie and prefers Biden to him because HOW WILL YOU PAY FOR IT so we got into it pretty bad.

All college educated millennial from liberal parts of the country. (The friend in Houston grew up in Connecticut.)

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This is probably your worst take ever.


Loooool just saw the first Klobuchar For President ad I’ve seen this whole primary season. Great timing Amy.


Didn’t want to see if we’d all take some solace in the fact that it’ll mostly kill off poor people in Bangladesh? Pretty shitty post here, simp.


Man, I’m guessing waiters in Bangladesh are FUCKED


Ok, Bangladesh and Florida, neither of which are essential to the continued existence of humanity.

I’m thinking of switching to the coronavirus thread, it’s less depressing.


Consistent with his body of work though

Seriously. This is fucking sad.

My point is subtle: global warming will be a massive catastrophe, but not the end of humanity.

Reminiscent of when I donated to hillary’s campaign in like July ‘16 and got my Hillary stickers in the mail the day after the election.

I dont know why but it really crushed me for some reason.

Basically half of voters decided who to vote for in the past few days. I’ve lost all hope at this point.

This just made me cackle out loud. Amazing ineptitude by Hillary’s campaign.

A virus that almost exclusively kills people over 65? Whats not to like


Well I’m 33 but I have asthma, so there’s a lot not to like.

I prefer having some animal life (non livestock) and natural beauty around also. If recent elections have shown anything it’s that humans are the worst thing going for the planet. I worry this human centric viewpoint on global warming will cost what beauty this planet has left.

Take one for the team

I mean all they have to do is run the exact same playbook they used on Hill to beat Biden. God fucking damn it all. Fucking old people man

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