THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Texas for Sanders seems kind of cheap on predictit atm.

On the bright side, Biden does legitimately have a chance against Trump, if his minders can pump him full of enough Ritalin or something to have his brain hold together. Also, we’re all going to get to experience his debates with Trump, which are going to be something.

Does anyone care though? Policy doesn’t matter, this is abundantly clear by now. Half of Biden’s voters are M4A supporters.

I was thinking the same thing, but if Biden scoops up about half of Bloomberg’s support, he’s a significant favorite there.

Coronavirus sadly isn’t powerful enough.

I literally had 24 hours where my home country voted for an indicted racist and my current country voted for a senile moron who will get crushed by an evil clown.

F it all.


God I hope they cancel the debates if Biden is the nominee.


Given a choice between watching every Biden-Trump debate start to finish while sober and not being allowed to scream at the television or making out with tongue with someone who has coronavirus for 60 seconds… I’d have to think about it.


Biden versus Trump debates are going to be lit. Very dimly lit.


It’s ok guys Biden is going to accomplish… Wait what? We just are promised the status quo plus 2% less dementia and maybe 10% of kids uncaged at the border! Wow this is big guys. DNC always comes though in the end.

??? The debates are the only upside

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Some of you can find solace in the argument I’ve been making since 2016. We need to wait for the olds to die off. People don’t change much when they age, and 29 y/o Bernie fans will still be significantly left of center 20 years from now. I think the US will be fairly progressive even just 10 years from now. Once TX goes blue, there’s no viable electoral map for conservatives. The 30 year hangover from the Supreme Court will be the main issue, but that’s a better problem than the shit we have now.


Tulsi is Hawaiian can Bloomberg was probably the only one who had any ads.

Bernie wasn’t going to pass anything major obviously but at least he would fucking try god damn it.

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Why campaign when you can just let complete POS humans like Terry McAuliffe do it for you.

Bloomberg was also the only one with campaign staff on the ground there, because money.

All I can say to this that I’m comfortable posting online is no, that does not give me any solace. We won’t be having free and fair elections in 10-20 years.


I don’t know man. Maybe you’re hatred is misplaced and should be for the youngs. Unless I’m misreading that, it doesn’t look like they’re turning up to vote

Just gotta fade irreparable damage to earth rendering us the last generation to live on it


After Trump beats Biden we’re done as a functioning Democracy. Boomers are political suicide bombers taking everyone else with them on the way out.

I’m pissed at both. All my friends voted so I don’t know where the younger people not voting at but fuck them too for sure.

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