THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Holy fuck MA too early to call between Biden and Bernie.

Maine? They can’t even call Maine???

Young people get the blame for this. It’s well known that the olds all vote right wing, and that they turn out in huge numbers. Young people just don’t turn out because they don’t care enough and that’s what’s screwing the whole world up right now.


It’s over. Biden previously polling single digits to teens hits 40%+ everywhere! Joementum!

TX just lit up on Decision Desk basically tied.

Amazing! Democracy at work boys

Well, Trump exited the Paris Climate Accord, but full exit can’t happen until like Nov. 2020, a few days after the election. But I hear Biden is basically the same as Trump, so I guess it doesn’t matter who wins.

(“Although President Donald Trump has declared that the United States will withdraw from the Paris Agreement, this cannot be effectuated until the day after the 2020 presidential election in the United States. Since the United States has not declared an intention to also withdraw from the 1992 UNFCCC, the United States will continue to be obliged to prepare National Communications.” Paris Agreement - Wikipedia)

I dont think its all on them. Voter disenfranchisement efforts hit youngs the hardest.

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Every person on every channel is literally jizzing themselves nonstop. Im going to be the first to say it. Vict0ar is right. Everyone else wrong.


The Paris Accord is completely worthless anyway.

and just to make everything worse, I see this news.


This is really really wrong. It’s of huge symbolic importance.

More than half of all NC and VA voters said they back replacing all private health insurance with a government plan.

Biden wins both states easily.

Fucking fuck these stupid fucking idiot low info voters who are fucking up this country forever. Jesus man.


Who do you guys think is hotter right now, Tulsi or Biden?

I took that as at least somewhat unserious anyway so I don’t rate it worse than the dumb waiters post.

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I’m enjoying Democracy Now on PBS. Just gonna throw that out there for those looking for coverage but not wanting the bullshit corporate media takes.

We were done before this election. Trump beating Biden actually helps keep the illusion alive. I’d much rather Bernie beat Trump and then trump refuse to leave office and have the illusion completely destroyed.

Dont forget the youngs. No way they came out in force.

I am desperate for some good news tonight. Feel so disheartened atm.

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wait for the west