THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

The only rational thing to do, short of running for office or dedicating your life to this stuff, is to completely tune out until its time to show up and vote. Passionately following politics has, without question, made my life worse.


How do I get a WAAF tag?


Some privilege in that, of course, as I’m sure you know.

It’s doubly frustrating to me when I know that my life will not really be negatively affected by Trump or Biden winning–I’m trying my best to help others and that help is basically rejected.


Click on the hamburger menu and then either groups or badges.

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my brain doesn’t allow me to tune it out anymore. the kids are in cages and i’m sitting in the lap of luxury. i have the money to pay for my health but a bunch of kids born in this country are just fucked from the start. i’m doing too well to just settle back into a grind where i forget about it…and i’m not even doing that well


Post in here…

Same. Unfortunately you can’t fix stupid.

it’s time to start joining hands outside ICE facilities. surround the Treasury if Jamie Dimon is the nominee

Until people you know die from CV-19 because of this incompetent administration. And the stock market melts down and we go into a raging recession because we burned all of our liquidity ammo fueling an overheated economy instead of saving it for a rainy day.

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I mean

You can only do so much.

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My health care is in limbo because I was late paying (and not because I forgot, but because I didn’t have the money) and I’m hoping it gets reinstated. My life is adversely affected by these fuckers. I still want to take the pill that makes you forget.


Sure, but it’s going to cost you.


I so badly wish I was capable of just tuning out. I just can’t bring myself to do it though.

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It’s almost like Bernie creates some weird illusion that the party in general is in favor of or trending toward M4A. I’d rather see the progressive candidates run 3rd party than give these assholes cover to trick people who aren’t paying too much attention. Like, if you polled all of these Biden people, I wonder how many would say Biden is either straight up for M4A or is working to get us there in steps. I think it would be high enough that I’d consider jumping out of a window.

It would easily be a majority of the Biden voters who also said they are in favor of M4A, if not near 100% of them. People are incredibly stupid and uninformed.

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Curious what the primary motivation is for voting for Biden:

  1. Scared taxes go up under Bernie

  2. General media propaganda about Bernie

  3. Other

Thanks Obama


BiDeN iS mOrE eLeCtAbLe

Hell 2 is also the cause of 1

Sure but it’s possible to say you’re for M4A while also supporting Biden and knowing it has no chance of happening under him because he (his puppet masters) is completely against it. I want to know what % think he is in favor of it or will try to get us there in steps.

That time was almost 2 years ago. I was there. It wasn’t very crowded.