THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Neither do the black folks who didn’t vote for him, but for different reasons.

Touche on Black VP though.

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I mean at the next debate we’re drawing live to Joe shitting himself, losing his teeth etc. so there’s still a small chance.

Those sorts of pitches usually only work for males in their 20s who think they’re also boosting their odds of getting laid.

I don’t care about your opinion.


I suppose the best explanation I can muster is that he figured steadfastly believing what they claimed to believe would be enough of an alliance build.

Like, do we understand how insane it is that we’ve normalized speaking about Bernie as if it’s just natural he should be an enemy of the party?


Once more for the cheap seats:

Like, do we understand how insane it is that we’ve normalized speaking about Bernie as if it’s just natural he should be an enemy of the party?


Your argument is about generic candidates and that’s why it’s wrong. Warren and Sanders should have supported each other if they agree with each other on so much. Bernie should not be looking to help Biden until the blood is mopped up from the convention floor. And if Warren were in the top two and Bernie badly lost all the primaries so far then he should drop out to try to stop Biden.

But, it seems bobman was right about Liz.


Lol at all the takes that Bernie sucks because he’s not a scummy political POS.


“Male in their 20s who think they’re also boosting their odds of getting laid” was supposed to be Liz’s spirit animal.

I’d say welcome to the light side of the force.

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you think if they came to bernie and said we will pass your M4A bill and guarantee it’ll get signed into law the only caveat is that you have to step down as a senator and never seek political office again he wouldn’t snap accept?



Off the top of your head do you have any idea where the delegate count is and how many are needed to get the nomination?

i mean holy shit

I want to make it clear to the gods that I mean this metaphorically. Only because microdaughter will be on the convention floor though.


I’m not sure. All we know about Bernie’s motivations is that he’s supported progressive political causes and it’s made him one of the most powerful men in the country. It’s reasonable based on that evidence to feel confident that Bernie will advance progressive causes when it’s in his own interest to do so. You’re taking a flyer if you extrapolate this evidence to tell you what he’ll do if those two things came into conflict.

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Parody! In the game! :joy:

I’m going to follow the trail of dead to Milwaukee and there will be a trail of dead behind me.

This is the source of our reality divergence. If this isn’t a given in your world then we can’t have a meaningful conversation because we’re speaking different languages.

No srsly, Cuse’s post did it.

Do me a favor and keep an eye out for her.

CA reporting is always fucked up because like a third of the state votes by mail and the ballots don’t get counted for weeks. Bernie will scoop a lot of delegates but by the time we know about it Biden will have won another 10 states.

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